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Scratched Mirror


Flipped-over; fraternal doppelgangers, we are.

It was unexpectedly injected, accidentally squirting into the

spring night's chill and, from there, seeping cognitively and devouring,

then defecating this enthralling marvel of a sort of reflection...

A growing fire adorned with sweet embers for freckles,

fresh jade eyes closed as a flustered smirk blossomed;

utmost joviality conceived by a single glace, and my heart

understood the language of his thoughts as tears fell

within the interpersonal magnet's force, somehow making it attainable to touch.

Needless to say, I, deliberately, had just met a passed yet visible spirit of translucence.

But a spirit was exactly what he was, ironically-speaking, as he was translucent by society many times.

As am I, but neither of us were dead.

On the contrary, we certainly have been behind surly eyes of

sharp metal;

every wound created over the years stinging coarser

the deeper we get stabbed in the same places...

Scratched mirror, Scratched mirror;

the reflection coincides, yet drowns in asymmetricality.

Nonliving to others, however pain still travels through the cracks, although

such varies depending on the side.

Scratched mirror, a glass rose, that which ceases to grow with the environment;

it follows its own idiosyncratic quota while developing abnormally.

And outermost abnormalities, it had, though

a colorful stained-glass window under varying conditions per side;

he mistook a wet kiss for a puddle of turpentine, but

the slippage exposed him to what he has known for awhile now

instead of sucking it all up;

no concussions.

Jealousy was never the noose I had grown familiar with

by the way its strands were entangled

and the way in which the knot had been tied...

Although different thickness of rope had been used,

we were still somehow accustomed

to the excruciating pain.

Over time, the crusty bondage aged into silver glitter dust

and sporadically adorned his already-flushed visage with platinum...

Combined with his scarlet soul, he became the blush that

danced to the amazement trickling down from

traversed adversities.

Therefore, winning my mahogany heart from

sluggishly-fading shadows of retrospect.

Healthy Glow


She not only glowed in her constellated eyes of blue;

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