Coal-Stained Clutch

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Messages Unsaid


When I can't remember the significant,

they're messages unsaid.

The key to my heart

gets lost somewhere and

the residue atop it dries up

after awhile of

being in cold air.

Creativity becomes a fossil

pushed downward where

I can't find it; that's how strong

the chill from shortened focus

hits and

steers me away from

working towards

getting a grave point across.

Love Bites


Why was I the victim

of such horseplay?

It didn't scar me too deeply

but still blended me up

into the river that's

easy to drown in anymore.

So much for sightings of

the same mirage

over and over again,

bound to teach me lessons, but

paralyzing me at the same time

and shocking me at

every curious feeling.

Awakening Bullet


Your voice is so sharp

that it slashed the puffed velvet

of my subconsciousness

and practically let

a stream of panicked tears

bleed out.

Fortunately, the only thing 

that left me

besides the tensed mess

was the healing factor.

Blind And Deaf To Loneliness


I won't even scream

but the pain in the center

is unbearable,

though somehow I've weathered

my reaction as bad

as I was shriveling in a

toxic puddle of lonesomeness

in which no one could understand my cries 

for help

but me, as I've uttered them with

my deepened thoughts embroidered

but just floating and tattering

in the acid.

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