The dream

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Clarke was suddenly standing in a warm, steaming bathroom. Only two feet away was a white bath. She walked towards it and dipped her finger tips in the water. Sensation flew trough her veins, from her fingers to her arms then straight to her chest. The water was so warm and clean. She slowly climbed in savouring every moment. Fully dressed she sat down then lay back. Her head slowly entering the water, she closed her eyes and held her breath as her whole head went under.
She decided to open her eyes , still under the water,but when she did she saw a tall,dark figure standing proud above her. She couldnt see who it wad because they were blurry. Her heart missed a beat.
There hands dove into the water and put there hands around her waist gently. They pulled her up and out of the water. She could now see there face clearly. It was Bellamy. Her heart missed another beat.
He leant forward and his lips met hers. There kiss was so passionate and so confusing. She wanted more and more, she didnt understand why because she hated him, didnt she? He suddenly pulled away. His eyes gored into hers. She relaxed. Suddenly he disappeared and standing before her was Finn.
Finns eyes were dark and outraged. "You kissed Bellamy and not me! Now your gonna pay." He suddenly shoves her under holding her there tightly. She was struggling for breath. She was about to pass out when...
She woke up breathless and let out a small shreak. Luckily no one heard because they were all asleep. She sat there in the dark while catching her breath.
She placed her feet on the ground and stood but she had to balance herself. She walked over to the tent door and stepped out. It was still dark and all she could hear was silence. She scanned everyone's tent when her eyes suddenly stopped on Finns. She remembered him drowning her in that dream. She shook her head and carried on searching.
Suddenly she laid her eyes on another familiar tent. Bellamy's. she remembered the kiss they shared.
Thinking about it made her heart race faster and faster remembering his lips against hers and how-
She was interrupted when his tent started to move as if he was coming out. She quickly ran towards the gate and she didn't need to turn around to know he was out. He didn't see her. She ran through the gate and placed her back against the wall. A sigh of relief escaped her mouth.
Clarke decided to take a walk and clear her head from the image of them. She walked all the way out to the bunker that Finn had showed her and settled down for the rest of the night.
When she awoke she felt well rested. She didn't know what time it was or if it was light so she decided to take a look. When she opened the hatch light shown through. She immediately she new it was the middle of the day, around about 12-1. She headed back and about half and hour walk she finally reached the camp. She heard loud voices shouting but one was louder them all. She could tell it was Bellamy straight away. She could just about hear what he was saying.
" well did anyone see her this morning?!" She wondered about who was talking about, was it her?
" I'm sending a search party out and I'm going with them!" Clarke was about to enter the camp when he shouted again.
" Monty, you got those walkie talkies ready?!"
" yea!" He yelled back.
" we'll have one and you guys will have one, let us know if she returns!"
She enters the gate and runs up to Bellamy, no one noticed until she asked him" who are you talking about?" everyone gasped. He turned around. " where the hell have you been" his voice was low and demanding. She looked at him blankly. " everyone get back to work!!" He shouted as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her into his tent.
" what the hell Clarke?"
" what? Who were you talking about? "
She replied.
He looked at her confused yet angry. " where were you? You didn't get up early so I came to find you and when I did you weren't there" as his eyes were digging into her as he spoke all she could think about was the dream. His soft yet teasing lips rubbing against her she wanted to kiss him and feel it again but she resisted the urge.
" well I had a bad dream and went for a walk. I found a spot and settled. What's so wrong about that?" His eyes softened for a moment before returning to anger again.
" you went on your own and you didn't tell anyone, you could have been kidnapped by grounders or attacked by an animal." His eyes softened to a worry. Clarke didn't answer she just put her head down.
" you should of come got me" he said as he grabbed her left arm softly. She looked up and met his gaze.
" I didn't want to disturb you but you woke and you came out of your tent so I ran and left. I'm sorry I know it was stupid" she said in a quit and soft voice as she looked down.
" yea it was stupid" Clarke sighed as the words left his mouth.
" look Bellamy, I don't need a lecture about how dangerous and stupid it was to leave camp alone and in the dark" he grabbed her chin softly and calmly but also forcingly. He made her look him in the eyes.
" I'm mean that when I came out of my tent and you were stupid to run away" he smiled as the words flown out if his mouth. They stared at each other closely. They both lent forward.
Suddenly a voice called out from outside the tent.
" Clarke!" A male voice shouted. Clarke new it was Finns straight away. They both pulled back and Bellamy released Clarke.

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