Getting closer

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Clarke woke up the next day tired because of the nightmares had about this camp. The first one was jasper getting speared and Octavia with that giant snake. The second was when the fog came and Clarke had a go at wells in the car and She found out that her mom was the reason her dad was dead.
Clarke put on her shoes and jacket when Bellamy walked in.
"Hey Princess. We're going hunting I was wondering if you need any supplies like seaweed?" He asked. Clarke smiled.
"Yea I do. Ill come with." She said as she grabbed her bag and they made there way out of camp.
Bellamy slid his hand in Clarke's but Clarke hated his touch. The monster he is. It made Clarke feel sick yet it felt right. She flicked that feeling away and kept hold of his hand.
Bellamy and Clarke headed towards the river while the rest of the group went out hunting. They reached the lake about 10 minutes later and instantly dropped Bellamy's hand. She walked all the way to the river and jumped in. She didn't have a clue what she was getting but then a dream came back to her. It was this red seaweed kind of stuff and it was only a few feet away. She grabbed as much as would fit into her backpack and got out.
"All done princess?" Bellamy asked.
"Yep." Clarke answered.
"Well jaha told me there is a bunker about 30 minutes from here. Wanna go?" He asked.
'A trip with you? Seriously Bellamy? Well I guess because I have to pretend I remember and like you. Ugh!' Clarke thought to herself. "Yea sure" she finally replied.
They set of to find this bunker that Jaha told Bellamy about. 40 minutes later they arrived at an abandoned mill site. They stood on top of a hill and looked out among the land. It was all falling apart.
"Let's split up but stay in shouting distance." Bellamy ordered.
Clarke wandered around looking at the mill when suddenly she kicked something with her toe and fell face first into the ground. It hurt her toe a lot. When she stood up she noticed a little cut on her wrist, when she looked down she saw a little screw sticking up. She looked behind her to see what she had fallen on and noticed a handle sticking out of the ground.
"Bellamy! Over here I think I found it!" Clarke shouted whilst trying to open the door.
Bellamy came running over and signalled for Clarke to stand back, she did. Bellamy took out his axe and hit the chain, that was holding the doors shut, twice and it broke. Bellamy put his axe back into his belt and appended the doors.
Clarke climbed down the ladder and jumped off. It was pitch black and she couldn't see. They found a few candles and lit them up. Clarke found a basket and opened it. She then smiled because she saw blankets, at least they'd keep them warm. There wasn't much in the bunker and Clarke jumped when she heard a loud bang. She quickly turned around to find Bellamy leaning over something. She stepped closer and he looked back with an excited smile on his face. He had a gun in his hand.
Bellamy hung up one of the blankets and drew a big x in the middle and walked over to Clarke.
"Ready to be a badass, princess?" He said with a big grin on his face grabbing a gun. She smiled back.
"Watch and learn" he said as he aimed and fired but nothing happened.
Clarke smiled at herself and thought 'ha, idiot. How embarrassing. Trying to show of and it back fires.'
"Must be Jammed. Try yours." He said gesturing for Clarke to stand where he stood.
She walked over and aimed her gun." Like this?" She asked figuring out the gun.
"Here let me show you." He said holding her back and getting her in position.
Clarke felt his big, warm hand on her back and her skin tingle.
'He has his hand on my back. He's got big hands and a strong grip. Maybe Ryan's right I should be careful around Bellamy because I certainly wouldn't win in a fight with him.'Clarke thought to herself.
Bellamy had just left the bunker and Clarke started to aim again when the gun started turning and twisting. She started having hallucinations about her farther and being back in the ark. Suddenly she felt a sharp pain of someone hitting her on the head and everything going black.
Bellamy was having hallucinations about Jaha and the 300 hundred people that had died on the ark when suddenly he was fighting a kid from the hundred. The kid was aiming a gun at Bellamy's head when he suddenly stood up and turned around. Clarke and him were face to face aiming guns at each other.
"Drop the gun Dax" Clarke demanded.
" you should of stayed down there Clarke." Said Dax. Clarke went to shoot but nothing happened so Dax started firing at Clarke. She took shelter behind a tree as Dax kept shooting. Bellamy saw Dax shooting at Clarke and ran towards him nocking him down. Bellamy got a few good punches but Dax managed to get one back and pushed Bellamy off him. Dax went to Shoot Bellamy but the bullet was a dud so he chucked it and went to shoot again. Clarke came running from behind the tree.
"Get the hell if him!" She shouted but Dax hit her in the stomach with the end of the gun which winded her and sent her to the ground. While Dax was occupied Bellamy grabbed the dud bullet and stabbed Dax in the neck causing blood to flow out of his mouth and collapse on the floor. Bellamy slowly made his way over to Clarke who was leaning against a tree. He slid down next to her and slid his hand into hers. She smiled.
Clarke was sat next to the tree while holding Bellamy's hand. He kept calling himself a monster and tears started falling down his face. That's when Clarke started to feel sorry for him. He had had a bad life. She had been running camp for a few days and without Bellamy she wouldn't have been able to do it.
"I need you, we all need you." She said looking at him. He turned and faced her with sad and guilty eyes and tears falling down his face.
She at that moment fell in love with him. He wasn't all evil and heartless,but was at times, he had an emotional side he felt sad and guilty. She liked this side of him.
About an hour later Clarke and Bellamy made there way back to camp with the guns.
" hey Bellamy can I ask you something?" Asked Clarke.
"Of course princess, anything" he replied.
Clarke debated with herself whether to ask or not but decided to.
"My memory's still about fogging so I remember most things. One of those things are that wells was here with us." She looked at him to make sure it was true, he mhhhm and looked at her.
"Where is he? Because I haven't seen him in camp." He turned away and that's when worry hit Clarke.
"What?" She asked putting a hand in front of his chest so he couldn't walk any further.
"I'm so sorry Clarke but-" he looked at her and held her hands."- wells is dead." He finished. It took a few seconds for Clarke to process what he had just said. She started crying so he pulled her into a hug. She couldn't stop herself.
Bellamy pulled her back and leaned on the tree and slid down. Clarke was sitting in his lap crying into his now soaked shirt. He stroked her hair softly.
"It's okay princess. Everything's gonna be okay." He whispered into her ears. Soon Clarke had fallen asleep so Bellamy softly picked her up bridal style and walked back to camp, it was late at night so no one was there except the watchmen. Bellamy made his way over to Clarke's tent and layer her down gently.
"Goodnight princess. Sleep tight." He whispered before kissing her forehead and leaving the tent. Clarke had heard his words and felt the kiss he planted on her forehead send smiled to herself. She had truly just fallen for Bellamy. Soon Clarke was in a deep sleep.

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