Times running out

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Ryan was sitting in a tent that Bellamy had set up a couple days ago. Bellamy was starting to trust Ryan a whole lot more now that they fought the reapers. They were slowly becoming friends.
Ryan slumped down on his makeshift bed ready to sleep when he remembered something important. Clarke's memory. He had forgotten that she still didn't have it because she was still pretending to Bellamy and the others.
"Shit! How long has it been!" He mumble shouted to himself. Sitting up.
"Hey Ryan." Clarke said from his tent door." What's wrong? You seem a bit stressed." She asked as she sat down next to him.
"Clarke I'm so sorry." Ryan said with fear and sadness in his voice.
"What, why? Ryan what's wrong." Clarke asked getting worried.
"We need to leave for a bit. But we'll come back I promise." Ryan took Clarke's hands in his. "We need to go to my camp. I need to do something but you have to be there. I know you love Bellamy but you can't tell him. Not anyone." Clarke looked at him confused.
"But we'll defiantly come back?" She asked.
"Yes. I promise. But we need to leave tonight." Ryan stood up and started packing his bag.
"Okay ill go get ready." Clarke stood and went to leave.
"Clarke wait. Don't tell Bellamy or this whole thing will end badly. For all of us." Ryan told her.
"I won't. I promise." Clarke then left and went to pack her bag.
"Please don't Clarke. " Ryan mumbled to himself as he carried on packing his bag for the trip.
Clarke went straight to her tent and packed her bag then headed towards the fire. She sat down next to Bellamy and layer her head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her.
"Hey princess. What's up?" Bellamy asked.
"Nothing. Just tired." Clarke replied as she looked up to look into his dark eyes.
"I think it's time for bed then isn't it, princess." She smiled at that.
Clarke moved closer to Bellamy as she cupped his cheek with her hand. Slowly they both leaned in and there lips brushed together slowly but then turned passionate and needy.
Bellamy wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer as she moved her arms around his neck pulling him closer. They pulled apart gasping for air as they both smiled.
"I love you. Ill see you tomorrow." Bellamy said as they released.
"I love you too" Clarke got up and walked to her tent. She threw her jacket on the side and sat down on her bed, she started untying her boots and lay down. She closed her eyes and get the darkness take over.
Ryan lay on his bed restless thinking about how much time he had before Clarke lost her memory completely. He had till sunrise in two days. About 2 hours past and Ryan got up, grabbed his pack and went outside. No one was up because they were all asleep.
He started towards Clarke's tent and opened it.
"Clarke wake up. It's time to go." He whispered as he shook her. He couldn't help but look at her neck. The bite was healing well but it still looked saw and horrible.
"Ryan? What time is it?" Clarke asked rubbing her eyes and sitting up straight.
"Time to go. Get ready." He left Clarke to get ready.
They met at the gate 5 minutes later and left. There were no guards so they just left without a word. Clarke had left a note for Bellamy saying ' hey Bellamy. It's okay I'm fine, I'm with Ryan. We just had to nip out to his village for something important. Don't come looking for us, we'll be back in a few days, promise. Don't let camp get out of control and Bellamy, don't be too harsh on them. There still kids.
Love you so much.
She sure as hell did hope that he listened to her.
They walked a few hours and it was beginning to get brighter as the sun rose.
"So Ryan. What's so important that we had to leave straight away?" Clarke asked breaking the silence.
"I can't tell you but you'll just have to trust me. Okay?"Ryan responded.
"Okay." Clarke replied and silence began again.
Bellamy woke up to the sun gaping through his tent. He threw on his jacket and boots and made his way to get some water. He grabbed some meat for breakfast and went to the drop ship. Clarke was always in there fixing up the injured and sick so he just assumed she was in there.
"Hey, princess. Had breakfast-" he said as he entered the drop ship but stopped because she wasn't there.
"Clarke?" He shouted.
He walked around camp looking for her but had no luck. He spotted jasper talking to Monty and walked up to them.
"Hey guys. You seem Clarke she's not in the drop ship and I can't seem to find her around camp." He told them.
"She didn't leave her tent this morning. Must be finally having lye in." Jasper told him.
"You know what? Ryan hasn't gotten up either. Don't you think that's a bit strange." Monty informed them.
Suddenly realisation struck and they all gave the same look. Jasper and Monty stood up and looked at Bellamy.
"You don't think-" jasper started quietly.
"Jasper go check Ryan's tent. Monty go ask around and Ill check Clarke's tent" Bellamy said and they all ran off in different directions.
Bellamy arrived at Clarke's tent and barged in. Clarke was no where to be seen and some of her stuff was gone. Bellamy noticed a small note on the side and picked it up and read ' hey Bellamy. It's okay I'm fine, I'm with Ryan. We just had to nip out to his village for something important. Don't come looking for us, we'll be back in a few days, promise. Don't let camp get out of control and Bellamy,don't be too harsh on them. There still kids.
Love you so much.
Clarke. ' after he read the last word Monty and jasper barged into the tent.
"Ryan's not in his tent and no ones seen him around. What about Clarke?" Jasper asked.
Bellamy just hands him the note and looks away, And waits. Jasper holds the note with both hands as he reads it with Monty looking over his shoulder also reading. They both stop reading and just stare at the paper Processing about what they had just read. They both look up from the paper and stare at Bellamy, as jasper clears his throat.
"Well.... What are we gonna do? Follow them or just leave them and wait?" Jasper asked.
"I don't know." Bellamy replied frustratedly. "I think we should just wait. I trust Clarke a lot and I kinda trust Ryan. She said where there going so they are obviously not running away there. So..." He paused thinking." We'll just wait and if she isn't back within a week we go looking for her. Does that sound okay?" He asked them both.
"Yea that sounds reasonable." Monty replies while jasper just nods his head.
Clarke and Ryan were walking through the woods talking about life as a grounder and life on the Ark. Clarke jumped when a fog horn went off.
"Is-is that-" Clarke stuttered.
"Yes now run! Follow me!" Ryan shouted as he sprinted forward.
"Wait isn't this in the direction of the fog?" Clarke asked running close to Ryan.
"Yes but there's a bunker a few feet ahead. Well make it in time." Ryan said still running towards the fog.
"Ryan there's the fog!" Clarke shouted running closer to Ryan when suddenly she tripped over him and hit her face on something metal. He was bending down over a metal handle pulling it open and jumping in.
"Come on Clarke hurry." He shouted up.
Clarke looked forward and saw the fog just a few feet away. She quickly stood up and started climbing down the ladder. A bit of fog touched her Lower arm and hand. She jumped down off the ladder ignoring the pain as Ryan slammed the hatch shut.
"Clarke you okay?" Ryan asked jumping down and walking to her.
"Yea. I'm fine, just a small burn." Clarke said grabbing some water from her pack and sprinkling it on her lower arm and hand.
"Okay well get some rest. The fogs gonna be a while so we might as well." Ryan walked over to the couch and slouched down.
"You can have the bed. I find the coach comfier." Ryan smiled as he said the words.
"Okay well don't let the bed bugs bite." Clarke said laying down on the bed.
They both laughed and soon fell asleep.
"Acid fog! In the drop ship now!" Bellamy screamed at the camp.
Everyone started screaming and running to the drop ship. Bellamy turned around and saw the acid fog coming from out the trees.
"Run! Go! Hurry!" He shouted as he started pushing people towards the ship.
Everyone was almost in the drop ship so Bellamy made his way. When he got there he turned around and pulled the lever so the door would shut. The fog was now going over the wall but the door shut just in time. Monty came up behind Bellamy and spoke.
"Hope Clarke and Ryan are ok." He said quietly.
"Am sure they are, Monty." Bellamy replied before starting a head count.
"The fog will last a few hours so everyone get comfy." Bellamy shouted before he turned around and started talking to jasper and Monty.
Couple hours had past and Bellamy went to the third level and looked out of the window. He made his way down the ladders and started towards the door.
"The fog has cleared up." Bellamy shouted and pulled the lever making the door open. Everyone strolled out of the drop ship and got back to there normal jobs. Bellamy just stood in the door way watching the woods, waiting, for Clarke.
Clarke was asleep when she was awoken to someone grabbing her and shouting. Clarke quickly opened her eyes to see Ryan being pulled to the hatch by two other grounders.
"What are you doing? Let go! Why are you doing this?" Ryan shouted as he tried to resist but failed.
"What's going on? Let me go! Ryan! Ryan what's happening? Why are they doing this?" Clarke shouted as they pulled her out of the bed.
"I don't know!" Ryan replied before he was pulled out of the hatch.
Clarke was pushed towards the ladder and pushed up.
Clarke and Ryan walked 2 hours being pushed by the grounders. Soon they arrived at Ryan's village and were pushed towards a big hut. When they were inside they were stood side by side waiting for something or someone. Soon a woman walked out from another room and stood in front of them.
"Anya?" Clarke asked.

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