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Bellamy quickly turned around as he heard a small gasp. It came from the ladders behind him. The look on her face was so confusing to him. Was it; anger,pain,shock,sadness,guilt and wait betrayal?
"What are you doing" she ran up to Bellamy and punched him in the face. It hurt.
She ran up to the grounder and asked if he was okay.
"Oh my god! Are you okay? I'm so sorry!" She cried.
"Hey,hey. It's not your fault. Your not the one holding the whip." He said in a soft, reassuring tone. Clarke turned around and walked right up to Bellamy's face.
"You! How could you do this to him? He's my friend!" She screamed in his face.
"Clarke he's not your friend. He's a dangerous grounder who can't be trusted." He said in a stern and calm voice.
Clarke turned on her heels and ran up to the grounder. She started to untie the ropes around his wrists.
"Clarke what the hell do you think your doing!" He shouted walking towards her.
"Saving my friend from you! You evil prick!" She said still untying his hands.
Bellamy wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her away. She started screaming and kicking to get of her but he tightened his grip.
"Let her go!" The grounder shouted.
Clarke was dragged down the ladder still kicking and screaming. Bellamy pulled Clarke into his tent. He let her go but she didn't expect it. She tripped over her feet and braised herself for the ground. Big strong arms wrapped around her. She pulled out of his arms but pain suddenly hit her side. She winced in pain.
Bellamy lay Clarke on his bed and lifted up her shirt so he could see the bandages. She didn't have the energy to fight back because she was in too much pain.
"Your bleeding.You've ripped your stitches." He said now pulling her top down to cover her even though he didn't want to. He wanted to look at her beautiful body.
"Yea so? What do you care? You love the sight of blood! I know that because you make people bleed and watch as they fall apart."
"Listen, Clarke. We all care about you so much"-he paused"I care about you. And I don't love blood at all but I do what has to be done" Bellamy truthfully told her.
"You care about me? Wait,what, do you think torturing my best friend is what has to be done! Clarke shouted towards the end.
" yes I care. And he is not your friend! He is a dangerous grounder who wants to kill us all!" He shouted the last words.
Bellamy left the tent and headed towards the drop ship.
"That arrogant,jackass,prick. I hate him. He's hurting my only friend, well jaspers my friend too. He's gonna pay but how" she said to herself and started to think.
'Wait he just said he cared about me.' She grinned devilishly.' Then that's how I'm gonna make him pay' she thought to herself before she fell asleep.
"Clarke! Clarke stop!" She didn't turn around nor slow down. So Bellamy decided to catch up with her. He grabbed her west and pulled her to face him. She expected to see a big, cocky grin on his face and a sly comment coming out of his mouth. But when she turned around his face was serious yet happy at the same time. He pulled her close so their body's were touching.
"So you dreamed you kissed me?" He asked.
"Then lets not make it a dream anymore" he said before their lips crashed together. There mouthed moving perfectly in line with each other.
Clarke woke up gasping and sweating.
"What the hell was that! Did I just dream I kissed Bellamy? But it felt so real just like a memory" she said to herself as she slowed her breathing down. She slowly closed her eyes and drifted into another sleep.
Clarke was woken up by someone calling her name.
"Clarke? Clarke? Time to wake up." Said a soft voice.
Clarke opened her eyes and saw jasper sitting at her side.
"Hey jasper. What's going on?"
"Oh nothing it's just I thought you'd like to be woken. Sorry I shouldn't have." He said Putting his head to the ground.
"Hey it's fine. You were right I do want to be woken up. Thanks." She said reassuringly.
He lifted his head up and smiled.
"Hey could you get us some water please? My throats dry."
" oh yea. Of course ill be right back." Jasper said as he ran out of the tent.
He came back minutes later and handed Clarke the water then went back to work. Clarke got up and walked out if the tent. But was stopped by two guys.
"Woah, sorry Clarke. We're told to make sure you don't leave this tent. Orders sorry." Clarke went to open her mouth but was stopped.
"Clarke your not leaving that tent." Bellamy shouted from the other side of camp walking over.
" yes I am and your not telling me otherwise. Your guards can't stop me." she said in a stern voice.
"Oh really? Then ill just have to guard you myself." He said with a smile plastered on his face. Clarke wanted to hit him so bad but she didn't have the energy to waist. She needed it for when she and Ryan escaped.
About an hour passed so Clarke popped her head through the flap.
"Hey, Jack. Go get Bellamy for me. I need him a sec." The guy walked of to get Bellamy and Clarke went back inside and sat on the bed. Waiting.
"You needed me?" Bellamy said barging in through the flap.
"Bellamy!" She ran up to him and through her arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug. Bellamy was stunned.
"Princess?" He asked confused.
"Bell it's me Clarke! I got my memory back! No thanks to that stupid grounder!" She smiled at him.
He stood there in shock.
"Don't lie to me. Have you actually got your memory back?" He asked a bit angrily.
"Bell? I can't believe you'd say that. It's me, honest. I missed you all so much. I felt so alone and that I only had that stupid grounder to protect me!" She said a bit hurt.
"All of us? Ill go get them all so you can see us all again" he said running out of the tent.
'Shit! Right remember all the names you heard earlier. Bellamy, jasper, Octavia, Monty, Finn and raven. Right I got this covered. Come on Clarke' she thought to herself.
Bellamy came charging into the tent with 5 other people behind him.
"Clarke your okay?" The young girl shouted,who Clarke remembered being Octavia, hugged Clarke tight. Octavia was Bellamy's younger sister.
"Hey O. how are you?" Clarke said hugging her back.
"Good now that your back and got your memory back." She pulled away and Jasper and Monty pulled her into another hug.
"Clarke I'm so glad your back. It's been so scary without you to guide us!" Jasper said. Clarke laughed at that.
"Me too" whispered Monty.
All three released from there hug and smiled at each other.
"It's good to be back." Clarke said as they stepped back.
"Raven I'm so sorry for what happened. You've got to understand that I was loosing-" Clarke was cut off by raven.
"Hey its okay. I understand. I'm just glad your back." They smiled at each other and gave a small hug. Then released.
"Clarke it's good to have you back" Finn pulled Clarke into a tight hug. For some reason Clarke got the feeling that she didn't like Finn. That he was needy. She pulled back and smiled at them all. They all left leaving Clarke alone with Bellamy.
"God it's good to have you back. You don't know how hard it's been running things on my own"Clarke smiled at him and moved closer. They were only inches apart.
" I'm glad to be back and keep an eye out on camp and you." She gave him a quick peck on the cheek and backed of.
"Now let me see the grounder who did this too me. I wanna show him a piece of my mind."

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