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2 weeks had past since Bellamy and Clarke had kissed. Clarke avoided Bellamy only talking to him when she had to. 'I know I shouldn't be avoiding Bellamy but I couldn't help it, it was awkward around us. I was always in the drop ship, well med bay, or my tent' Clarke thought to herself. Clarke was in the drop ship placing a bandage around a kids leg when Bellamy walked in. She glanced up at him and then straight to the kids leg. " Okay, we're all done here. Just rest and you'll be as right as rain."
He walked out and left Clarke and Bellamy alone. Clarke was packing up her station when Bellamy walked closer. He went to open his mouth when Finn barged in.
" hey Clarke, you free?" He asked walking past Bellamy.
" Yea, why? What's up?" I asked as I finished packing up.
"I need to talk to you. Alone" he said as he looked at Bellamy.Clarke nodded and he walked out.
Finn walked closer until he were only inches away. He cupped her cheek in his hand. She flinched.
"What's wrong?" he asked as he moved closer.
Suddenly the image popped into her head of him drowning her. She jumped and ran past him out of the drop ship.
Clarke's face was full of fear. She looked around camp to see who was looking and noticed Bellamy talking to Monty and jasper. She speed walked to the gate and walked out. No one noticed.
She got to the lake and sat down beside it. She breathed in and out trying to calm herself.
"Get it together Clarke he would never really do that. Would he?" She said out loud.
Hours had past and it was getting dark. She lay down and decided to shut her eyes and listen to the world. Unexpectedly she fell asleep. When she woke up it was dark and cold.
She quickly jumped to her feet as she heard something or Someone run into the trees and disappear. Clarke grabbed her back pack and walked quickly towards camp. She heard heavy foot steps behind her so she started jogging looking back making sure she couldn't see anyone. She heard shouting further ahead.
"Clarke!!!" Bellamy shouted. I could see a light through the trees. She heard the footsteps behind her getting heavier and closer. She picked up her speed and ran as fast as she could towards the voice of Bellamy. Panting Clarke shouted "Bellamy!!!"
"Clarke, where are you!?" He shouted but it sounded relaxed and she new he didn't think she was in trouble.
She ran and ran she was almost there, when she tripped over a tree root and fell hard to the ground.
Someone picked her up from behind and held her tight but gentle. She new it was a grounder from his smell. She started struggling trying to escape his grip.
"Bellamy!!" She shouted.
"Clarke, what's wrong? Are you okay?" But before she could shout again a dirty hand covered her mouth. She stopped moving as he spoke.
"It's okay, I won't hurt you just stop wriggling" he whispered. She stopped.
"Clarke!!!" Bellamy shouted with a voice of fear.
He slowly let go of Clarke but stabbed her in the arm with something like a needle and when she turned around he was gone.
She started running again, faster and faster until she flew down. She crashed into something strong and fell to the ground on top of it. Panting, she slowly looked up and saw Bellamy under her.
"Wow, you must have been running fast to knock me over" he said with a sight grin. When he looked at her face his grin disappeared and he looked worried.
"What's wrong, princess?" He asked as he stud me up. She stud there, catching her breath. Once her breathing went back to normal she pushed past him and walked fast back to camp. Bellamy chased after her and grabbed her wrist and turned her to face him. As soon as she looked him in the eyes she burst into tears. Bellamy pulled her close and hugged her while whispering in her ear.
"It's okay now, princess. Your safe".
They all went back to camp with Bellamy and Clarke in front and the guys in back.
"So you gonna tell me what happened back there? Why you were so scared enough to nick me down and why you were out alone at night?" Bellamy asked as they entered the gate.
"Bellamy, I'm tired and need some sleep. Ill tell you tomorrow" she told him and walked to her tent.
The next day Clarke woke up just as he entered her tent with rabbit in his hand.
"Morning, princess." She smiled and sat up.
"Thought you might be hungry" said Bellamy and pasted her her plate.
"Why you being all nice of a sudden? Do you want something?" She said as a grin crept on her face.
He sat down on the edge of her bed.
"We'll? Are you gonna tell me what happened last night?" He asked. She looked at him confused.
"What do you mean? I went straight to bed at the same time as everyone else and stayed there. Why?" Replied Clarke as she nibbled her rabbit.

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