The Kiss

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Finn barged through Bellamy's tent .
Clarke turned to face him and he went straight into a hug.
" I thought I would never see you again" Finn whispered into Clarke's ear but Bellamy heard. He rolled his eyes.
Clarke quickly stepped back into Bellamy. Bellamy sensed that Clarke didn't want Finn there.He walked over to Finn " could you leave now?" as soon as Bellamy moved, Clarke walked back even more. Bellamy then looked at Clarke and he saw the fear in her eyes.Finn decides to leave.
" See you later, Clarke".Clarke was left alone with Bellamy in his ten. Clarke felt awkward and decided to leave his tent. She started walking to leave when he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back.
" where do you think your going?" He smiled cheekily.
" to see my friends and then go grab a bite to eat." She went to walk away again but his grip tightened. She turned around to face him.
" do you want something" she asked in a sarcastic voice. He pulled her closer.
" You tried to kiss me" he said with a wide grin across his face. Clarke's cheeks went bright red.
" Well You tried to kiss me" he giggled as the words filled the tent. Clarke lent forward as though she was going to kiss him. He lent forward at the same pace, there lips centimetres apart. When suddenly Clarke put her finger between them.
" just joking" she smiled, pleased with herself.
Hours pasted and the night settled everyone was in bed, asleep, all except Clarke. She sat up on her bed with her notebook on her lap and a pencil in her hand. When she had finished drawing only did she realise that she drew Bellamy. Suddenly she heard a noise outside, so she put her notebook and pencil down and left to see what it was. She walked around camp following the hard footsteps as they led her to Bellamy's tent. She walked past the entrance to carry one when suddenly a tight yet gentle arm wrapped its way around Clarke's waist. She began to scream but before anything came out, there hand was over her mouth. They pulled her back into a tent and pushed her.They turned on the light and Clarke instantly relaxed. It was Bellamy.
" What the hell Bellamy? What are you doing?" Her voice was shaky.
She sat up on the side of his bed Catching her breath. A grin appeared on his face. She stud up, walked over to him and slapped him. The grin still on his face. She went to do it again but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her close to him. Clarke was stunned. She couldn't move.
" Are you going to tell me about that dream and why you looked at finn with such fear or am I going to have to force it out of you?" He whispered in a calm voice. Clarke sighed and nodded. He pulled her towards his bed and sat her down next to him.
" Well?" he asked, waiting.
" fine. I was in a bathroom and there was a bath in front of me I got in-" she looked at him and he had a big grin on his face.
" - with my clothes on and I went fully under, I opened my eyes and someone was standing over me. They pulled me out and I saw who they were." Clarke paused for a moment. " then I saw it was you" she looked at Bellamy and wasn't surprised at the look on his face. He was shocked and confused.Clarke carried on.
" then you disappeared and Finn was now standing in front of me he said something and then-" Clarke took a deep breath, then continued. " he pushed me back under and drowned me. That's when I woke up." She looked and waited for Bellamy to respond. He did.
" what did Finn say?" He asked in a gentle voice.
Clarke went red and looked down.
" it doesn't matter what he said" trying to keep it to herself that they kissed. He grabbed her hand and looked her straight into the eye.
" what did he say?"
" it doesn't-" she was interrupted. He tightened the grip on her hands.
"Princess, What did he say" his tone was much lower and more demanding.
" fine, you want to know, then ill tell you. He said ' you kissed Bellamy and not me. Now your gonna pay'." She sat there in silence for a moment waiting to see what he says next. Her heart was beating fast. She couldn't stand the silence anymore so she got and left. He followed her as she left camp as soon as they were far enough he started to shout.
" Clarke. Clarke stop!!" She didn't turn around or slow down. So he decided to catch up with her. He grabbed her wrist and turned her to face him. She turned around expecting to see Bellamy standing there with a big grin on his face and a sly comment coming out of his mouth. Instead she turned around to see a serious yet happy at the same time.
He pulled her close and there body's were touching.
" so you dreamed you kissed me?" He asked.
" okay, yes, okay ? There I said it I dreamt that I kissed Bellamy Blake everyone-"she was interrupted.
" Then lets not make it just a dream anymore" Clarke was completely confused and froze.
He dived in for a kiss and their lips touched sending vibes through Clarke's body. Her knees felt week as he gripped her waist and pulled her closer even though they couldn't go any closer. She let out a small groan which Bellamy took the chance to slide his tongue into her mouth.
They were just standing there in the middle of the woods, kissing passionately and it felt like it was just them in the entire universe. Bellamy stopped to breath just for a second then started again but Clarke pushed away.
" Bellamy stop" she whimpered as she resisted him.
" what" he said in a confused tone. still kissing her. he moved to her neck. she pulled away and walked back to camp. He tried to stop her by shouting her but she didn't she just kept going.
" Clarke, what's wrong?" He asked as she walked in the other direction.
Suddenly they both heard a twig snap close to Clarke. She stopped paralysed with one moved. Clarke slowly turned around and faced Bellamy.
" Whose there?!" He yelled. Not a sound.
It was pitch black and neither if them could see anything or anyone. Another twig snapped but even closer to Clarke than last time. Bellamy ran towards Clarke and grabbed her hand as he pulled her with him. They ran and ran when eventually they got back to camp. Clarke let go of Bellamy's hand and went to her tent.

Hey guys hope you like :) it's my first attempt so if I get anything wrong make sure to tell me. If you have any ideas for my next part let me know:)!!!

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