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Bellamy and his group had been walking for about an hour when jasper asked" how long left?".

"About an hour." Bellamy replied.

"What if they get back to camp and we're out looking for them?" Monty asked.

"Do you really believe that?"Bellamy replied.

Monty opened his mouth to speak but decided not to and put his head to the floor.

"Right." Bellamy said and carried on walking.

After that everyone one went quiet and carried on walking. Shortly after, they arrived at the same lake they had the fight with the reapers.
"Right just an hour now." Bellamy said .


"Right here's the plan." Ryan said sitting face to face with Clarke through the metal bars. "When they bring the food in you need to stab him through the neck. Then we're gonna sneak through the cave and to the ground. When we're up there we'll head to the tunnels and escape."

"Sounds easy enough. Ok, let's do it."

Unexpectedly 4 grounders walked in and 1 grabbed Clarke then 2 grabbed Ryan.

"Hey. What is this? Why are you taking us? Where are we going?!" Ryan shouted as they dragged them out.

They took them up to the ground and dragged Ryan to a pole and tied his hands around it so his chest was leaning against the pole. They then dragged Clarke to a small hut and laid her down on a metal table, tying her hands and ankles. Clarke turned her head to the side and saw knifes,wires and other things that she couldn't name. Clarke struggled against the bounds on her wrists and ankles as fear fills her body. All the grounders leave the room and guard outside. It was about 4 minutes later she heard a loud whip of air and a loud groan of pain. 'They're whipping him. I need to get out and help. God I wish Bellamy was here, even Jasper or Miller. Just someone help' she thought to herself as more groans of pain came from outside.


"About 10 minutes now." Bellamy said to the group." Be prepared to fight if necessary but we want to avoid that so.... keep a low profile."

They trudged through the forest until they could here people shouting. Then they saw smoke through the trees.

"We're close. Everyone be quiet." Jasper whispered.

Soon they were at the clearing of the forest and could see the grounders camp. They crouched down behind a long log.

"So what's the plan?" Monty asked "we can't just go in there and ask for them."

"Guys shut up! Ones coming closer." Jasper whisper shouted.

They all crouched down smaller and watched as the grounder walked into a tent.

"Few he's gone ." Jasper exhaled with relief.

"Hey guys look over there." Monty whispered pointing to a crowd. "What's going on?".

"I don't know but-" Bellamy cut himself of as the crowd moved and they could all see what it was they were crowding around. "Oh my god, Ryan."

As the crowed moved they saw Ryan tied to a giant pole of wood his chest leaning against it. His shirt was ripped and he had deep gashes across his back. One of the grounders stood behind him with a whip in his hand.

"They're whipping him." Monty gasped out.

They were all startled as a loud shrieking scream spread across the camp. It came from the tent they saw the grounder walk into before. They looked back to Ryan as he shouted "Clarke! No let her go! Please!"

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