The Green Wolf vs The Silver Back Howler

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Green hair PoV

I had him pinned. He's done for. His arm is broken so there's no way he could use his weapon. Now for my answers. Wait. His eyes. They just went from a dull (e/c) to a bright blue! His body... It's changing!

I leap off of him. He gets up and his body starts to change and shift. His arm just fixed itself! It pops right back into place! His body starts making cracking and popping sounds.... All the while he's wailing and screaming in.... In agony. His nails pop off one by one. Sharp claws ripping through to take their place. His skin starts to rip away and tear off. He's even ripping it off himself! His screams turn to feral growls and roars. His face elongates and his body grows in size. He's standing on large doglike pads. His claws are like eagle talons. He easily stands as tall as I do if not taller! ( She's six foot ten btw)

When he's done.... He lets out a roar that transitions into a howl.


It looks angry. I'm in for a fight. It lunges at me and goes for a flurry of swipes and back hands. I dodge them all and go to retreat. But he grabs my leg last second. And throws me. I hit a tree and bounce off of it. Then a horrible sight befalls my eyes. The girls. My sisters... The ones that went with me... They start shooting. But what's horrifying.... Is that the bullets either bounce off or do nothing to him. It just makes him angrier.


It turns to one of them and slaps her gun away. It then proceeded to smack her hard enough to knock her out instantly. The others kept firing. It did the same thing to each of them. The only girls spared were the ones without weapons.

Me: You hurt them..... You hurt them.... You hurt them you oversized bitch!!!!

I charged him. I grabbed him around the neck and threw him as far as possible. He hit a rock and fell but was up instantly. I was already there to meet him. I landed punch after punch. I just kept punching over and over. I heard bones break with each hit. I threw him again. I though he would surely stay down now...

But I was wrong. So very wrong. He got back up. His ribs... They had been caved in. His chest started to popping back into shape! His jaw which was crooked snaps straight again! He heals from all damage!!


He lunges back at me and slams his shoulder into me. It sends me into the dinner area. I land on the table. Being desperate I grabbed a steak knife and stabbed him in the shoulder. He reels back whining in pain. The knife hurt him? Well if it works it works! I slashed at him and slash at him. He recoils at every swipe. I caught him in the shoulder, chest, arms, and face. I began to realize.... He's not healing! The knife seems to prevent his healing abilities! He finally backs off completely. Then he crouches low to the ground. On all fours. Just before he lunges fangs bared..... MOM!?!?

Green: MOM NO!!

Mom: Yn down!!

The beast stops instantly! What the hell!?

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