Your "walk"

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Yn was out in the woods by himself.
He really needed to cool off after that fight with that she-behemoth....
Seriously how does she bash in his chest but bullets bounce off!?
(Easy bullets do punch through damage.... Her fist were unbridled blunt force..... You know who you are....)
She was powerful... It scared Yn. He put on a tough guy front when she confronted him before his walk. He had a harder time fighting her than the monster. And that thing had bullshit abilities... Suddenly Yn feels like he's being stalked.

Yn: Whoever's sneaking up on me... Go ahead and come out...

???: The fuck!?

Yn turned to her.

Yn: When live out in the woods by yourself... It's not too hard to sense stalking enemies... Or girls....

???: Well that's no fun!! I like sneaking up on people!! It's cute when they jump!! And then I get to cuddle them while they're still surprised!!

Yn: If you want a hug just ask miss....?

???: Just call me Nightshade.

Yn: Ok... Wait weren't you one of... The one's... I... Smacked?

Yn upon finishing turned his face away grabbing his arm looking extremely guilty....

N.S: Hey hey hey! It's ok! I'm fine see??

She gestures to her self. She then skips up to you and wraps you up in a hug. You would normally be really comforted by this but your face was being smothered by her "personality" shall we say. Yeah let's go with that.

Yn: Ok this is really comfy and warm and all but.... I'm kinda... Being... Smothered...

N.S: I know~

She pulled you in tighter. And started patting your head lovingly.

N.S: Look we're all ok. Besides it was only self defense. We were in the wrong. So from now on think of me as you're big sister Night!!

Yn: Really?

N.S: Yep!

Yn: You're being serious?

N.S: Don't I look serious?

Yn: Well if that's what you want... Big sis...

N.S: Good boy!!

She hugs you and pats your head.

N.S: As far as I'm concerned, you're one of us already!

Yn: Thanks... That actually means a lot....

N.S: No problem! I'll be going back now. Enjoy your little stroll.

Yn: I will.

She walked off and left you to your own vices. You went a little bit deeper until you decided to head back. That was until you heard a large thudding noise. Followed by a loud grunt/growl. You turned around to find the very beast that had attempted to kill you earlier. But bigger. And meaner looking.

Yn: Oh shi-

It lunged towards you and back handed you at least twenty meters away. You hit three trees and and was stopped by a stone wall. Any normal person would have have either died or least been severely injured. We've already established that you are no ordinary person. Your body healed up enough for you to move with moderate ease.

Yn: You son of a bitch.... I really hate your kind.... Whatever the fuck you are.... Belongs in hell!!!

Third person pov

Then Yn bent over in pain. He started to kneel. His bones could be heard cracking and rearranging. His screams of agony and rage could be heard. His skin ripped and muscles tore and reattached themselves for the bones that broke and extended. His fingernails ripped off to make way for his claws. He was left in his wolf form. He finished with a howl of pure rage. A full formed wolf with pants.


Back at camp

Donovan: Hey! Did you gals here that?

Lilith: It sounds like.... His....

She puts emphasis on the word his like it was bad to say his name.

Anna: Well! What are we waiting for!? Let's go! He might need our help!

The girls plus Donny all grab weapons and bolt in the direction of the howl.

Back to you

The now wolf form Yn lunged at the beast in front of him. He tackled it and rammed it into the ground. He took advantage and started to repeatedly bash his clawed hands into it's skull. This caved it's skull in and did massive damage. It then swiped him off and to his loathing healed it's skull similar to his own abilities.

Yn: *growls*

Then he heard guns fire and saw bullets fly. He spun to see the Pack plus Donnie running in armed

Yn: Took you long enough....

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