Meeting The pack.

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Right now I was laying in my bed it was about 54:30 in the morning. I got up and went down the few flights of stairs. I walked over to Esme. 
 "Morning!"I said happily. I wasn't a morning person, really. But I was home! Give me a week, and you will see what I mean. "Do you guys have Coffee?" I asked.
 "Yes we do. And Good morning, Carlisle should be leaving for work soon. " She pointed to the already made coffee, How I didn't smell it? NO IDEA!!! But I flitted and grabbed a cup and made myself a cup. I noticed it warms my body. I like the feeling. 
 "Do you think I could... be like Carlisle?"
 "What do you mean?" She turned and looked at me, setting down the knife and giving me full attention I thought I heard steps But they stopped.
 "I mean, Like succesful, a doctor even. Someone who saves a life and doesn't take one." I said dreamily I really wanted to be a nurse and one day maybe a doctor.
 "I think so, yes. I think You could become someone so successful everyone will want to meet you." I smiled at her and she gave me a heart warming smile. Then Carlisle appeared He looked flustered, maybe even surprised. He muttered some things before flitting out the door. Then we sat in silence. 
       "I'm gonna go shoot some arrows." I went up stairs and changed. I walked Downstairs and opened the door. 
        "Stay on this side of the creek!!" Esme yelled. "okay" I said knowing she heard me. I ran vampire speed up and down trees shooting and never missing. I spotted a creek and heard Esmes voice ring in my head "stay on this side of the creek" . I shook my head. 'How bad can it be?' I felt as if I was being pulled to go over the creek. 'Just one step?' I placed my foot on the ground on the other side. And was suddenly knocked down by something furry. I screamed of shock and readied my bow and then I was surrounded by 8 wolves. I giggled nervously "oops?" then I scratched my neck. "shifters? of all things shifters!" I groaned I look at the biggest "Shift we can talk." It glanced at the bow and I lowered my bow. and when I looked up there was a man. 
        "Who are you?" He stated firmly. 
        "my names Magena Chasseur I am friends with the Cullens. I am here to help.  I eat human food and once a month animal blood. And lastly I'M 19 and I hunt vampires." I knew all the questions he was gonna ask. 
        "Sam Uley." He looked next to me and nodded. 
        confused I turned my head. and noticed they all shifted.
        "Jacob Black."
"Seth Clearwater" 

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