Training. Smack. Run!

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  I woke up and had a feeling of true Bliss. I looked to my right, and Embry was still asleep. Mouth slightly opened. Eyes fluttering, He was dreaming. And bare chest rising and falling evenly. I rolled on my side and watched him. His eyes fluttered open the entirety of the way. Since he was facing me arm draped lazily over my waist, He could see me staring at him when he opened his eyes. "Morning Beautiful" I smiled slighty.
        "Morning ..." I came up with the first thing that came to mind... not a wise idea... "Hot wolf boy who has a 6 pack." He started laughing at me, His laugh was contagious so I laughed along with him.  "What are we doing today?" After recovering from my laughing fit.
        Still chuckling he replied with "Training." I groaned. Honestly I didn't want to leave his arms but knew if we didn't. Whatever we were doing today would be worse... Than it already is. Soon enough I was out of bed. Shoving 3 granola bars in my mouth and sprinting after Embry out the door. He stopped at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me to catch-up. When I was two stepped behind him I jumped onto his back. "GO!" he ran out the door and we showed up at Sam's house. 
        When we got there I ran to the fridge looing through it. I thought, after not seeing what I wanted, I thought like Paul. UNDER THE COUCH!! I walked to the couch that, conveniently, Paul always sat at. "up please." I said so calmly you woulda mistaken me for a 10 year old girl. He looked at me like I was a ... scorpion in New York. I smiled innocently and he got up, walking out to the kitchen to eat a muffin... I guess. I bent down under the couch and smirked there it was. The Monster Drinks. I grabbed up and when I cracked it open and turned around the guys were staring at me mouths agape. I shrugged. "Did you... want one?" Quill was fastest to talk.
        "None of us have EVER found it!" 
        "Found what?" We all looked to the doorway. I smirked knowing it was Paul. I cracked open the monster and turned looking at him. I nonchalantly stated; "Sup?" He then looked like the other guys. Sam walked down comprehending practically immediatelywhat happened chuckled and walked over to Emily, Kissing her and uttering words under his breath. Then he gag-ordered, Thats what Emily calls it when he orders us since we can't go against it, to go outside and wait. He would be out in like 1 minutes to tell what we were doing today. He walked out.
        I automatically felt like a soldier, in an army. He was our sergeant. He ordered us.... You will never know the outrageous number.  100 freaking push-ups. 120 sit-ups and after that I was ALREADY close to practically dry heaving! When he immediately told us we needed to run like 2 miles! I just sat there. Still breathing like I had 2 seconds to live and those breaths would keep me alive longer. Sam came over to me.
        "Why aren't you running?" 
        "Cause I can't fucking BREATH!" I said sarcastically. 
        "You can talk. You can run. NOW get going" He ordered me. I just stared at him.  
        "You're ordering us around is getting you no where! I'm NOT part of YOUR pack! I barely knew you! And you think you have some order power over ME? You're wrong!" I screamed at him. I was shocked. Where did that come from? But I realized everything I said was true. So I didn't want to take it back.
        "Well if you don't belong here... LEAVE!" he yelled back. Since I had turned away after yelling at him. I turned back around so fast I think I gave my self whiplash. I smacked him. The smack rang out like a heavy box hitting the floor in a silent room. There was an annoying ringing in my ears. I just couldn't believe it. I was turning into one of them. No not a wolf. I was changing into what I had always feared. I was turning into a demon. One who prayed on anger. Once the noise had reached the guys ears, they were back as fast, maybe faster, than they had left. When reality hit me. I looked at my hand mouth agape. I looked up at Sam's face. He was staring shocked. I was pretty sure I had fear written all over my face. Paul had taken a protective stance in front of Sam. All of them had. Even Embry.
         I looked at their faces. Angry. Frustrated. Shocked. Heartbroken. I had smacked his alpha. Horror. That look was all it took for me to turn and sprint. I sprinted like their was no living if I  stopped. I knew I had tears running down my face.
        I was good at this. Running. I ran away from everything. I would run away from this if I had to. Even if it was running away from Embry. I ran and ran. Until I had no idea where in the mountains I was. Wait... Mountains!?

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