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When I got home from hanging with the guys I ate and Didn't do much after that. Before I knew it I was being woken up by my ringtone (  Yes, It's Taylor Swift. I love her. No homo. ANYWAY...  I groaned and picked it up.
        "Well morning to you to miss grumpy." 
        My mood instantly changed. "Embry!! What's up?"
        He laughed, "nothing. Wanna to hang out?"
        "su-" I got cut off by my home phone ringing. "Am I all of a sudden popular?!" I got up and went to it "hang on Embry." I answered the other phone. "WHAT?!" I wanted to talk to Embry not anyone else. As I walked to the mirror in the living room. I stopped in my tracks and dropped both phones. And gasped. I looked... younger I even shrunk in size. I picked up both phones and told the guy  on the house phone "call back later!" I picked up my cell. "Embry... You gotta come see this." My voice was shaky. Embry Literally burst through the door in a minutes time. He scammed the room for me and once he saw me. He looked as shocked as I was. "Let's get you to Carlisle." But I couldn't move. So he picked me up and ran to the Cullen's. When we got there Carlisle started, pretty much immediately, on tests. After a few hours. He had come to the conclusion I was gonna become my actual year in age, 10. And He figured it was because I wasn't a vampire anymore I would be able to relive my life from 10 and up. I didn't want to get younger. Everything was going fine. I had Embry. I had friends, the pack. They understood me. I looked at Embry He had the same look I was pretty sure I had. He didn't want to loose me. He wanted to be able to hold me. I decided then. I was cursed. My parents cursed me. I would never be able to love him. I loved him now. I didn't want to wait 8 years to be able top continue our love. I wanted him. NOW. I was livid. No livid was an understatement. I was hell bent now! I was pissed. I am so mad, I didn't realize I was shaking. Carlisle was absolutely confused. Embry went to grab me and tell me to calm down but Carlisle said "Let it go I want to see this."  I was even madder now. He wanted to see me Do something?! Okay maybe I was being irrational, but right now I cant control my anger. It's kinda scaring the hell out of me.
        Then, It happened. I burst. No I mean literally. I burst, Into a wolf. (I was kinda against this... But I thought that they should be together. Yes other stuff will happen to them but I kinda felt cruel by almost making her 10 again. I thought Leah Should be the only She-wolf. So I'm kinda against myself here.)  I walked over to a giant mirror that was conveniently there and saw a beautiful wolf, I didn't know what the mark meant but Carlisle promised to look into it. When I finally changed back with Embry's help obviously. I looked even younger. Me and Embry Looked at each other, his eyes filled with worry in his eyes. We walked back in the Cullens and the first thing me and rose said, "What is that god awful smell?" Embry and everyone laughed. Rose looked almost sorry. Alice looked at e and took me by my wrist. "What are you wearing!?!? "she shrieked, And dragged me up stairs. Throwing many clothes out of the guest room closet till she smirked and handed me and outfit: obviously I changed. and once I clasped my necklace on Alice furrowed her brow, "you don't smell like dog anymore." I sighed.
        "The necklace blocked me vampire scent too." She nodded and I looked in the mirror I looked about 15 or 16.

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