Watching TMNT

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    We just got back from training. Everyone was watching talking about something called "imprinting" and "Embers" or something. I was just trying to watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Then they moved their conversation to the living room, that's where I am!! Their were talking rather loud so I whipped around and screamed "SHUT UP!!! SHUT UP!!!!!"  tumblr_lrl1iuVdE31qdlkgg

        Their conversation ceased. And they shared confused looks so I smiled innocently. ariana-grande-little-smile  "Please shut up? or at least move your conversation to a different room." Although, I secretly wanted to know more about this. Edward laughed and took the remote and clicked pause. 
        "You know the wolf that was there today? His name is EmBRY not ember. That's all we can say. The rest they have to explain." My phone started ringing. (ringtone) I read caller ID. 'Unknown' Shrugging my shoulders I answered it. 
        "Hi... umm.. My name's Embry, I was the wolf you ran- crashed into" A deep voice said. 
        "OH! Umm how did you get my number?" I laughed.
        "I.. Asked the guys..."
        "oh... Did you need something" I smiled. I dont know why! But I was smiling. 
        "I was wondering.. Do you want to go to the beach.. like right now?" I looked down smiling. Glancing up at esme I asked her with my eyes.She nodded immediately. And I was picked up and flitted up stairs.
        "Yeah!  I will be there soon. Which beach?"
        "La Push Beach. We are letting you come on our sides."
        "Okay, See you soon. Bye" 
        "Bye!" He hung up and I Saved his number as "mysterious wolf boy" 'Cause why the fuck not?!

        After 20 minutes of me being yank forwards, backwards, and side to side. I came out like this:
         I thought I looked amazing. 
       I sprinted too La Push beach vampire speed. I sat on the beach by some drift wood. I heard some one walk up behind me. I turned around and noticed someone who look like the other guys I stared at him. 
        "Magena" (for those who dont know its pronounce it it's Ma-Gen-a like mckenna with a g) 
        "nice to meet you" He sounded dazed. 
         I ended staying at the beach for a while with Embry. We laughed, swam and make a sand castle. It was sooooo Fun!!! But eventually I remembered my TMNT mararthon I was gonna have . "AWE!!!" Embry sprinted to me. "what!" He looked around for something I didn't know. 
        "I was gonna watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles all day." I frowned. 
        "Do you want to come to Forks, and accompany me?!" I smiled really big Begging with my eyes. 
        Sighing He agreed. I told him to run in his wolf form I would meet him there. I sprinted to the house beating him by a long shot. "Can Embry com eover? Cool Thanks!!" Not waiting for an answer I made a cappuccino and sprinted to the living room. I heard a knock.. "I GOT IT MOM!" I screamed I walked out and opened the door smiling when I saw him.  tumblr_m2o9deAh3z1ru272jo1_500

        "Let's go!" I led him to the living room and sat on my bean bag chair  0078485754268_500X500
 Pointing to the couch I was sitting next to. "Sit!" I said smiling. 09b7dd444d06ef57e943b4ebe103db
 (not sure if that's their real couch but okay!)  He sat and their we sat for 6 hours watching teenage mutnt ninja turtles.

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