Living with Embry, and caught.

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 "A Stay puff marshmallow man!!"
        Embry laughed and smirked, "when's you're birthday?" I actually had to think about it. When was my birthday?  
        "August 16, Tomorrow." I smiled thinking of my last one. All I did was torture vampires.  It was very fun.
        "You're birthday is tomorrow?!" Yeah. I nodded And stood.
        "who's hungry?" I was kind of  awkward. I walked into the kitchen, and looked for food... nothing " I gotta go shopping." Embry walked up behind me and set his hands on my waist.
        "want ice cream?" I smiled, and turned in his arms resting my hands on his chest. I nodded. " Let's go!" he grabbed his keys and wallet off the table but I stayed where I was. "are you coming?" He slowly walked back over to me confused as to why I was sitting here. I nodded.
        "turn around." He skeptically did as told and I jumped on his back. "GO WOLFEY!!" He chuckled. he walked to his truck, Since I couldn't keep up with bills the state took away the Camaro and truck... SAD FACE!! Any way, we arrived at the ice cream store as we were eating I pulled out my phone and acted normally I took a photo he must have realized at last second and looked at me, (picture above)          
        "I caught you."
        "I umm... was... I got nothing." He smirked and kissed my cheek. After we ate we went back home. I fell asleep on the way home and Embry picked me up and brought me to bed. Kissing my forehead he walked away out to the living room I heard him mumble to Roxy to get in her crate.

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