Edwards wedding.

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AN: I'm not giving details on the wedding! I will simply say 'they said vows and kissed..' so any way here we are:::::::

        Today was Bella and Edwards wedding. Bella didn't bother me, I didn't necessarily like her. I was a lot like Rose. If I could have chosen if I were to have BEEN half human half vampire or just human. I  would have been Full human. I can't exactly enjoy the 'growing up' part of life if it happened in 7 years. I was also against Bella being turned. She can find out why on her own. Especially when everyone around her... dies. The wolves will die. At one point she won't have Jake. She won't have Charlie, Sue, Seth. Her mom, Phil. Everyone will die... soon enough for her to hate being a vampire. But, then again I could be wrong. That's just me. Well anyway, I was getting ready. At my house. I showered and changed. www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=12283... When I arrived at The Cullens in my camaro. I walked to the back of the house and looked at the rows of wooden benches and seats. The alter. The white fabric aisle. I smiled. I felt a small wisp of wind I turned and saw Rose.
        "She"s ready, and I smelt you. So I came down." She smiled. 
         "Okay. Wow Alice really out did herself this time." She nodded at me.
        "When doesn't she?" We laughed. My phone started 'singing' the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Theme song. I looked at the Caller ID "mysterious Wolf Boy" I read. I smiled... Damn if I wasn't so selfless I would probably answer it. I didn't have to because Rose noticed my hesitation and smiled "Answer it." and she left me. I quickly unlocked my phone and held it to my ear.
       "Hey Magenna" I heard it echo like he said it then it went through the phone. I furrowed my eyes. 
        "What's up?" I asked. 
       "We will be at the party. But only for safety... Precautions" I could tell It hurt him to say that he didn't trust the Vampires. I didn't necessarily either.  
        "It's okay. " I has asked him before if he wanted to come he said Sam had 'alpha ordered' them to not go for them to be able to provide ... The safety precautions. I completely understood. But Embry... It tore him up. He couldn't "make me happy" was his excuse I told him It was okay countless times. But he never agreed. 
        "okay... come to woods. just walk straight." I looked up and walked straight into the woods kinda slow. I saw him. The rest of them were equally distributed around the house yard in the woods. I smiled and hugged him. He hugged me back. 
        "How long have you been here?" my voice was muffled because my face was buried in his shoulder. 
        "A few minutes when I called you I had just phased back." I smiled happy that I was the first person he thought to call. He pulled away we both must of had the same goofy smiles on our face because he was laughing at me. "What?" He stopped laughing. 
        "Your'e in a dress." 
        "It's a special occasion." I answered immediately after he said 'dress'. I heard Rose calling for me. "I got to go. Text me when your'e bored and miss me!" I sprinted to Rose. And we sat as the ceremony started.
Soon it was time to see them off for the honey moon. I waved to Edward and grudgingly smiled at Bella. I was trying to be nice. Honest. But she just rubs me the wrong way. Me and Embry ad texted through the ceremony and had to go to get Jacob out of here before he phased and hurt some one. So now the Vampires were leaving Seth was forced to leave with Sam so I just went home. And slept on the couch with  my dog. 

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