Part 1

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It has been more than three years since you dated a certain bright and cheerful blond haired man. Yes, Naruto Uzumaki. He was a wonderful boyfriend. A gentleman. Never once did he force you to do something you don't like and he always respects your boundaries.

Day by day, he became more popular. You can't help but a spark of jealousy rise within you with the amount of gifts that he received from the girls that were coming from the other village just to see him. It made you feel really insecure and think that you don't deserve someone as great as him.

Today was not an exception.

You were sitting cross legged on your shared bed with Naruto, thinking about how you and Naruto relationship were still going strong after all the hardships that you two have been going through.

At first, you were smiling like an idiot but after remembering the scene where a bunch of girls attacked Naruto this afternoon. They obviously were flirting with him. The way they watched your man with googly eyes and checked him out in front of you made you doubt your self worth. Not to mention that the girls flirting with him was way prettier than you.

"Why are you sad dattebayo?" A voice jolted you awake from your thoughts. You didn't even realise the Uzumaki was here.

He just got out of the shower, the steam from the hot shower he took was escaping into the room. His still damp hair was messy and you are not gonna lie that he looked extremely gorgeous than he already was.

Shaking your head slowly, you tried to reassure him.

"I'm not sad Naruto. I'm just....thinking..?" Rather than give him an answer, you actually asked yourself about your feelings. Even though you were not sure how you felt.

A frown made its way to his handsome face. It's not fair how he was the only one that grew up handsomely while you only glowed down.

"You look tired (y/n). Let's sleep," He said, clearly trying to take his mind off the things that are bothering you and you nodded your head.

And now you two were hugging each other on the bed, under the fluffy blanket. Your legs tangled with his as his hand was on your waist. Naruto rubbed your back when he felt you unconsciously gripped the back of his shirt tightly.

Something is definitely bothering her.

Naruto's grip on your body tightened, a silent gesture to tell you that everything is going to be just fine.

He opened his mouth, about to say something but you cut him off.

"I'm scared..."

Your voice can barely be heard due to the fact that your face was against his chest but luckily, Naruto heard your muffled voice.

"The war has ended (y/n). Nothing is going to separate us again," He whispered lovingly to you. His finger won't stop rubbing circles on your back the way you like it.

He can vividly remember the fear in your shaking eyes the day the Shinobi War was happening. Naruto literally has to hold himself from kissing you non stop when you leaned in for a peck from him on the battlefield. It was just a simple peck but he could feel your lips trembling. Desperate even, as if telling him to not go. The memory was still fresh in his mind.

You weren't as powerful as Naruto. You are just a regular medical ninja. Not nearly as strong as Sakura though but either way, you were happy that you could tag along and help the comrades while also looking after Naruto on that day.

A sigh escaped your lips as you thought about how he deserved a woman who is more powerful than you. You bit your lips to stop thinking bad any further about yourself.

"I'm scared of losing you..."

A sudden heavy weight lifted up from your shoulders as soon as the words left your lips. There, you finally confessed what was consuming your mind for the past days, weeks and months.

Naruto's eyebrows raised at you as he pulled away to look at your sad face.

"I can sense the double meaning behind those words (y/n)," He replied worriedly. His eyes looked straight into yours. And you can feel the way your lips tremble at the fondness in his eyes.

"Y-you have become more popular since you defeated Pein. Girls from other villages have been hunting you down just to meet you. What if one day you fall for them? They are all so pretty and I know a lot of beautiful kunoichi that are stronger than me. What if you ditch me for them Naruto? W-what will I do then...? If it really happens i-"

Naruto's chakra suddenly emitted strongly from him. It honestly kinda scared you therefore made your little rambling stop. How ironic, he could break from his sweet character to the dark one just by hearing the one he loved downgrading themselves.


You whispered slowly, scared by his unexpected reaction.

Suddenly, he was on top of you and you squealed at the fast movement. You swear you could see Naruto's eyes change to a red kyuubi one when he was on top of you. His eyes were glowing red in the dark scarily.

A low growl was heard deep within his chest and at the moment, you know that Naruto was not pleased with how you downgraded yourself. He didn't like it when you doubted and insulted yourself. To him, you are the only thing he ever needed and wanted in this entire world. He even dreamt of starting a family with you, having kids with you and having you by his side when he became the Hokage.

"Don't say things like that!" He lashed harshly, snapping his teeth at you out of anger.

You felt so small under him. His arms were on either side of your head while his knees were on your tights. Totally restricting your movement. A tear escaped your eye at the sudden realisation that you were the reason behind his madness. You never thought that he would be so hurt and mad by your insecurity.

Naruto softened when he saw your tears and as quick as it came, the red eyes were replaced with his usual beautiful blue eyes that you have fallen in love with.

"(y/n)...I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?"

Your tears started to fall even more after seeing his genuine concern face and this made the blond boy panicked.

"I-i'm sorry, I didn't mean to! Please don't cryyyy!"

Naruto frantically asked for forgiveness but stopped when he could feel your lips against him. His shocked eyes slowly closed as he kissed back passionately until your back hit the mattress.

Your hands went to his hair and grabbed it, making him smile into the kiss. Much to your dismay, the kiss was broken when the need to fill your lungs with oxygen became much needed.

You were a panting mess. You know that Naruto could continue the kiss since his stamina was unbelievable (idk but more stamina means less oxygen needed right?) but he stopped for the sake of you.

Naruto leaned his forehead against yours, smiling as he pecked your irresistible lips.

"I hate it when you doubt yourself," Naruto started. His eyes sought for yours, and he continued when you were silent.

"I love you for who you are. I don't care if I was surrounded in the middle of the ocean full of women, because I know I only need you and only you. I will search for you. You've been with me since the beginning. You would always be my first choice because I really love you," He finished with a kiss on your nose lovingly, making you blush. The love in his eyes was so obvious and you hated yourself for doubting him.

"I love you too," A smile finally formed on your face, making Naruto automatically smile too.

"Let's sleep now. I want to cuddle you until you can't breathe!" He beamed before tackling you in a bear hug which you pretended to avoid but secretly wanted. If there were one thing that you could never reject, it would be his cuddle.


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