Part 6

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Naruto finally opened his eyes just to see his worried friends. For a second, he was confused.

"Where's (y/n)?" He asked while his eyes scanned the place.

"We were under genjutsu earlier, thank god Sakura can break from the genjutsu fast or else we'll be forever stuck here," Shikamaru explained. Naruto nodded.

"Are you okay Naruto-kun? You keep calling (y/n)'s name," Hinata asked and Naruto rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

"Yeah you were moaning too," Sai teased, making Naruto's face flushed deep red.

"Am I?" He tried to deny it but he couldn't erase the dream where you two were kissing each other while moaning inside the dream.

"I have nothing to say but...make sure you use a condom," Shikamaru added fuel to the fire. Sakura and Hinata were already gone when they realised the topic they were talking about. Boys will be boys.

"We didn't have sex dattebayo!" Naruto fought and the men laughed, having fun teasing the blond.

"Okay okay, let's save your girl and after that you two can get married and have a child," Shikamaru replied before pulling Naruto up and going to continue the mission.


Shikamaru and Naruto were riding the ink bird. Trying to figure out how to open the portal to go inside the castle.

The genius threw a kunai bomb, as expected, the explosion has alarmed the enemy. Naruto's eyes widened when he saw a lot of enemies also riding a bird flying towards them.

"What are you doing?" He asked but Shikamaru ignored him.

The portal opened just like he thought and he focused on the hand sign the enemy were using to open the portal.

"Got it," Shikamaru exclaimed. His lips twitched into a smirk.

"Retreat!" Shikamaru ordered. Wasting no time, the bird turned 180 degrees to retreat. But the enemy won't have any of that. Just when they thought they were free, an enemy landed on the bird they were riding and Naruto was about to throw punches when he realised who it was.


His hesitation gave the girl enough time to punch him right in the face. Shikamaru turned around and realised what was happening. His eyes also rounded in shock when he realised it was you but with no emotions in your eyes. It was like you were being manipulated and controlled.

You keep throwing punches to your target, Naruto Uzumaki while he keeps on avoiding your hit. Not wanting to attack or evenmore, hurt you. He could feel you chakra running inside your veins but it was weird, he was not familiar with it.

Shikamaru's lack of focus was enough to make the bird accidentally hit a large tree.


The bird instantly spluttered into an ink, leaving them three having a freefall from the sky.

Without a second thought, Naruto quickly went to you and hugged you tight despite how much you were struggling to break free from him. Oh, how much he misses to have you against his arms.

Naruto hugged you tightly as you two were having a freefall. He rotated his body in the wind and let his body take the majority of the impact from the sharp branches. He groaned in pain when his body made an impact with the hard ground. He had shielded your body from any damage, mindlessly taking all the damages.

You remain emotionless, taking this opportunity to lay a punch on his stomach and luckily the Uzumaki have the time to roll onto his side. Your eyes were determined to kill him and he gulped, clearly not knowing what to do.

Suddenly, you stopped fighting. Your eyes went away to glance at the man who has been kidnapping you. Naruto quickly grabbed your hand to prevent you from going to him but you kicked him square in the face. The impact sent him flying as his back hit the tree.

Naruto watched as you ran towards the man and to his surprise, you hugged him tightly. His heart felt like it was stepped on. Your eyes were sparkled in happiness unlike the emotionless one that he saw earlier.


Naruto ran towards you, wanting to save you from that man but he stopped dead in his tracks when you glared at him with eyes full of hatred.

You never do that to anyone. But you did, to him.

"What have you done to her?!" Naruto shouted as he saw the way you stood on your tiptoes to kiss the man's cheek.

" to begin this..." Taneki trailed off before kissing your forehead. The action makes your eyes closed in happiness and Naruto's heart aches.

"Unfortunately, she has fallen out of love with you and chose me instead. We were going to get married. Right (y/n)?"

Naruto's eyes directed at her as he waited for her answer. Some part of him told him that you're not yourself, you had been tricked. But when your eyes screamed hatred towards him, he started to doubt himself.

"Yes, Naruto!" You beamed happily, hugging the man tighter.

In your eyes, you were hugging Naruto and were hearing his voice but little did you know that it was not him.

Naruto's eyes widened in realisation when he realised what was happening. How dare the man turn his girl into something like that.

"Kage Bunshin No Jutsu!"

His clone was helping him form a Rasengan as the man simply smiled. Naruto charged Taneki to throw him away but he was stopped in his tracks when you stepped in front of Taneki protectively, making his Rasengan die down in instance.

This time, your eyes were flaming with hatred. Naruto's position made you smirked as you punched his vital point and instantly knocked him out.

His mouth gaped at the immense pain from the blow that you gave him, he was sent tumbling on the ground multiple times before his back hit the tree.

He could feel his vision slowly blackened as he saw his girl go away with the man.


He mumbled before everything went black.


He woke up from his sleep, drenched in his sweat as he saw Hinata kneeling beside him.

"O-oh he's awake!" Hinata noticed. Her words made Sakura instantly stop whatever she was doing and went to his side.

The blond sat up. Rubbing his tired eyes.

"How long was I out?" He asked Sakura.

"One day. She hit your vital point pretty hard, almost like a Byakugan user," Sakura explained and Naruto sighed.

The blond suddenly stood up on his wobbling feet and picked up his bag before slung it over his shoulders.

"Where are you going?" Sakura asked, eyeing the still recovering jinchuriki.

"I'm going to save her,"

"What a drag...why do you always want to shine alone?" Shikamaru sighed and Naruto turned to face him. A smile lightened his handsome face when he saw his friends were standing, already ready to fight alongside him.

"Let's go dattebayo!"


Head Over Heels For The Jinchuriki (Naruto X Reader) [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now