Part 10

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I know that some of you don't like Boruto because he's a brat, well you guys are not wrong. But as I tried to put myself in his shoes, I could see myself doing the same thing at that age lol. Btw, I kept Boruto's name because he doesn't resemble Hinata at all while Himawari hmm, she is too much like Hinata so I can't put her character. I'll go with Hani instead. Kahsbsjsbs forgive me for not putting the cute girl in this.


"Ughh, i-it hurts!"

Tears ran down your face as one of your hands gripped Naruto's big hand while the other gripped the bed sheets. Heck, people had told you that giving birth is very painful but you didn't expect the pain to become nearly unbearable. At first you're worried that Naruto's hand might pop off with your tight grip but you quickly ignore it when you feel the pain. It was like someone crushed your bones at once.

"It's okay, you're doing a great job," he whispered while holding your hand tighter and kissed the top of your head. His eyes filled with concern as he could feel himself becoming emotional. For the rest of his life, he never saw you in this much pain, he wished he could take your pain away.

"Naruto..i don't think i c-can..."

It's been half an hour of you pushing yourself off limits to give birth to your baby but it doesn't seem to work out and you start to feel lightheaded. Giving birth is a battle and you don't realise it until now.

"She loses blood too much, we must use the vacuum," through all the blurry vision and heightened sense, you could hear the doctor muttering to one another.

Konoha Hospital has slowly opened up to technologies and it's no doubt the vacuum thingy is supposed to help you with giving birth but the things that you didn't expect was when the doctor told your husband to wait outside.

Eyes widened in fear, you quickly made eye contact with him, silently begging him to not leave with your eyes. Naruto could feel your hand holding him tighter and he closed his eyes.

"Hurry up, she's losing blood!" the doctor slightly looked up at Naruto.

"No! Please don't go! Ah! P-please I'm scared," You begged him but the doctors weren't having any of it. They quickly ushered Naruto to go outside and you could feel his hand slip from yours.

"Naruto! U-ugh!" You groaned in pain when the doctor started using the vacuum. Without him by your side to support you, the pain doubled.

Outside, the jinchuriki can't hide his fear for you. He could see how scared you were in the labor room and leaving you alone inside with the doctors made him worried more and more.

It was just a matter of time before he heard you screaming and after that, all he could hear was the cries of a newborn baby. His baby.

The door opened and a young doctor told him to go inside, he swore you still look like an angel although in your disheveled state.

"Congrats, it's a boy," the doctor passed him the newborn and he clumsily held his son.

A smile plastered on your face when you saw the sight of your husband holding the baby. You could see his eyes get teary as a pang of realisation hit him hard. He's now a father.

"He's beautiful," you muttered with your eyes heavy, your son has two whiskers on his cheeks, just like his father.

Naruto passed the baby to you and you smiled when the baby leaned in closer to your warmth.

"What would we name him?" You asked after Naruto leaned in to peck your lips.

"Boruto?" You raised your eyebrow at him.

Head Over Heels For The Jinchuriki (Naruto X Reader) [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now