Part 11

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Dinner had already been done and by the time when your kids finished eating, they were all knocked out in a speed of light. It was still early but the exhaustion was obvious through their snoring. Boruto was laying on the couch while Hani sprawled on top of him. They looked so adorable.

A smile was on your lips and you turned around to see that Naruto was doing the same thing.

"They grow up so fast," He mumbled slowly, not wanting to wake them up.

"And we're getting older," a chuckle escaped your lips at your words. Your shoulders shook with the effort to keep it down.

"We're getting older together dattebayo," Naruto reassured you before grabbing your hand and kissing your knuckles. "And I can tell that you would still look good with white hair and wrinkles,".

His words made you blush and you hid your face in the crook of his neck. This action made Naruto laugh at you. After years of being together, his words and actions still have an effect on you.

"Shall we carry them to their room?"

Boruto was sleeping safe and sound inside your arms, when you reached his bed, you slowly laid him down. A small smile was on Boruto's face, you can't help but to wonder what he was dreaming about.

The bed creaked at your weight when you sat on the side of it. Looking at your son sleeping peacefully while you caressed his hair. Come to think of it, he resembled Naruto so much when Naruto was young. You hope he will become a great shinobi like his father when he grows up, he surely will.

"(Y/n)?" The same honey dripped husky voice that you fell in love with for years was heard at the other side of the door. You smiled and went outside Boruto's room.


Naruto smiled at you lovingly before scooping you into his arms.

"Naruto!" A squeal escaped your lips when your husband threw you on the very bed that you shared. He quickly crawled his way on top of you before kissing your lips wildly.

"Umph-" your struggle died down when his hand travelled on your body, creating goosebumps along his way.

Pulling from the kiss, he went to lick your ear before whispering something.

"I'm going to finish what you have started before,"

A look of confusion flashed in your eyes but it was long gone when you suddenly lost in ecstasy at the feeling of his teeth biting against your weak spot. It's been 5 years, he has known your body too well.

"Ah! I-i-i don't remember anything. Uh-" even talking was a struggle.

Naruto smirked at your words. Damn he and his sexiness.

"Don't worry, i will make you remember,"

The blond went to straddle your hips before harshly grinded his crotch on your sensitive part as he bit your weak spot hard.

His action shoots a spark of pleasure inside your body, making your head snapped back while your back arches. Stars were filling your vision.

Your husband smirked wider seeing your reaction, your face of getting pleasured is his favorite.

"Do you remember now?"

You were lost for words when he started to grind his crotch on you again, the bulge was getting bigger every time he grinds on you. You thought he would stop but he wouldn't. He was enjoying himself while getting tortured.

"" you panted heavily under your breath.

"I wouldn't let you sleep yet (y/n)," a smirk was on his face before he went to attack you with his true intention from the beginning. It is safe to say that you guys didn't sleep a wink last night.


It was finally the day. The day for Naruto's dreams to finally come true.

"I will become Hokage dattebayo!"

His words keep ringing inside your head, it was true that he kept his words afterall. He may have a big mouth but everything that comes out of his mouth wasn't a lie.

"You look beautiful,"

A kiss landed on your cheek before a pair of arms wrapped around your waist. You turned your head slightly to peck his lips which made him smile from ear to ear.

Putting your hand on his, you leaned back into his warmth with a smile plastered on your face.

"So you made it, Hokage-sama," you teased him before spun in his arms to face him and cupped his cheeks. He leaned in more into your palms.

"I finally made it. My parents are going to be so proud of me," Naruto said with a grin on his face.

"They surely will," you smiled when you remembered about Kushina and Minato. Although you were still a baby when they've gone, you have seen her face when you went through the album. There was a picture of your mother and Kushina together with a baby bump. They looked so happy.

"Do you want to know what will make them prouder?" He asked before kissing your forehead affectionately.

"The fact that you're the Hokage's wife, my wife. I'm sure my mom and dad were watching me now from up there. They're proud of me. I could feel it," Naruto can mentally imagine his mother jumping out of joy while clinging to his awkward father. The jinchuriki smiled at the picture.

"Mom! Dad! We're done!" Boruto and Hani were running towards you two. They were also wearing white outfits (idk what's that called, i'm sorry) like you.

"Should we go now?"

A hokage robe that says 'nanadaime' was folded neatly inside a paper bag. You smiled widely before passing it to him.

"Let's go,"



You ran like crazy when you saw your pink haired best friend not far from you. You and Sakura were squealing like some teenage girls when you two hugged, making your kids slightly embarrassed at the mom's reunion.

"So he finally made it huh? To be a hokage?" Sakura asked you playfully and you couldn't help but smile.

"Guess he is," the memories of Naruto saying he became the Hokage replayed on your mind repeatedly. No words can describe how proud you felt right now.

The crowd were cheering loudly at the sight of the Ninth Hokage waving his hand down the crowds. Hani literally jumped in happiness at the sight of her father getting cheered up by the villagers.

"Mommy, can you pick me up? I cannot see," She squealed before reaching out her hands for you to take.

You smiled before picking her up, a toothy smile same like you was on her face when she could see more clearly.

You swear you could see Naruto's eyes flicking in your direction though it just for a moment cause he doesn't want to make it obvious.

This is the moment where you wish the time would stop. Forever.

-The End-


At first, I wrote this story for myself. I never had a thought to share this story with anyone yet here I am, already published the last chapter.

I don't know if people are reading this story or not lol but i want to say thank you to anyone that read it. This is just my imagination, I couldn't help but to write a story about Naruto since I love him so damn much.

I wuv you guys!

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