Part 3

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Your consciousness slowly seeps back as your vision is restored. You don't know why but you could feel your chakra draining, is it because of the weird light ball?


Naruto's voice was heard as he ran after you. Naturally, it made you accidentally shifted inside the villain's arms. He was quick to notice as the corner of your eye catches the way his palm started to glow again.

No-uh not again!

Focusing your chakra to your free arm, you punched the villain straight in the face. You were not a strong puncher like Sakura but the villain definitely deal good damage as he was sent a great miles away from you.

As a result, the impact from your punch made you fly away to the opposite side. Body rolling on top of the building roof until you were at the edge of the incredibly tall building. Thanking the stars at your luck as your hand catches the edge of the building just in time before you could fall.

And now you were dangling for a good 30 feets from the ground. It was honestly scary to not have your feet touch the ground, even scarier when you felt the wind somehow picking up, making your body sway.


From your vision, you could see Naruto was heading towards you, his eyes was filled with concern when suddenly a bunch of villains stopped him halfway.

Eyes glancing away from him, you tried to not panic at how your fingers keep slipping for the sweats on your palm. You don't even have the strength to pull yourself up, feeling drained beyond exhaustion as the villain earlier has drain your chakra with the light ball.

M-my chakra...

You whine as you feel yourself slipping away, muscles were strained beyond its limit. You tried to focus your chakra on your feet and your arms but there was no use. You have a little bit left of chakra.

Looking over at your lover, you grunted when you saw how much he was struggling with the outnumbered villains. He can't save you. He's not going to make it in time.

"Naruto-" A gasp leaving your mouth as your body completely losing its strength. Gravity was pulling you to the ground, the wind against your body making your hair fly in every direction as your heart beat wildly in your chest, realising this might be the end for you.


His heart nearly dropped seeing your body completely went limp and fell from the building.

"Kage Bunshin No Jutsu!"

His clone self was creating a massive rasengan as a real Naruto jumped off the building to catch you just in time before you hit the ground.

He held you tightly against his arms. His heart hurts seeing you being a victim. He couldn't imagine life without you at all. In fact, he'll be insane if he loses you.

Naruto jumped and landed on top of a building to lay his girl down. He could feel your faint chakra charging up because you are resting but it was too slow for his eager self.


The nine tails fox inside him replied a simple hm but did not bother to even move.

"I want to do a chakra transfer with her. Is that okay?"

Naruto's breath were staggering when he ask, eyebrows scrunching in fear as he stared down at you. It took him awhile to compose himself, immediately feeling calm when he felt the warm skin of yours on top of his.

"I'm fine," You clenched his hand to assure him. He smiled back at you before kissing your forehead. Lips lingered for a little bit longer than what he intended.

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