Part 9

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The news of you getting married has been spreading like a wildfire and you're more than happy because now his fangirls finally knew their places.

It was weird how people become cautious around you, it was like they were scared of spilling something and you couldn't have been more curious. Guess it's true that curiosity kills the cat.

Deciding to enjoy your last day as a single woman, you strolled freely around the village. Taking every familiar sight to heart. You tried to hide your happiness but the smile was even obvious in your eyes.

The villagers have been super nice towards you, they will bow their heads in your direction like you're a majesty although you're a nobody.

"Oh no, you don't have to do that," You said while shaking your head. The owner of the shop has offered a bouquet of roses to you out of nowhere.

"Please, take this as a way for me to congratulate you. It would be an honor if you take it,"

You smiled at the owner before bowing back. The owner was slightly shocked before they bowed back at you.

"You don't have to treat me differently, i'm still the same,"

Continue walking, you stopped when you heard Konohamaru and his friends arguing about god knows what. They were so loud and you can't help but direct your attention towards them.

"I will get them the best present!" Konohamaru half shouted to his friends before they started arguing again.

Your feet carried you towards them and you were confused when they suddenly stopped talking as soon as you appeared.

Is it really that important?

"What are you guys arguing about?" You asked sweetly while kneeling to be on their heights.

They facepalmed when they realised their mistake.

"N-nothing!" Konohamaru quickly defended himself amidst the chaos.

You tilted your head at the reaction, slightly confused.

"But I heard you guys from a mile away, you know you can tell me if there's something wrong," You reassured them. Their faces were as pale as a ghost. Did they talk really loud?

"I-it's private! This is men talking and women cannot know about this!"

You chuckled at the cute behaviour. Decided to leave them to their 'man's problem' as they called it. You waved them goodbye before continuing walking.

"That was a close one!"

"I know. We're lucky that she didn't know,"


You decided to go to your house. Yes, your house. It has been a long time since you've been home because you always spend your night at Naruto's. Thankfully, your father didn't mind it. Your father isn't always home because his schedule is always packed with missions. He even told you to stay at the Uzumaki's house for your safety although you're capable of protecting yourself.

"I'm home,"

Stepping into the house, you sighed at the familiar sight. Luckily, your father was home at this moment. He was reading a newspaper on his favorite couch with a cup of coffee on the small table beside him.


Like old times, you ran to your father and hugged him, making the newspaper crumpled between you but you couldn't bring yourself to care. You missed him so much.

"Looks like my daughter is getting married eh?" He teased before hugging you back and ruffling your hair.

"I-i guess so," you replied as your eyes got teary again. What a baby.

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