Part 8

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The next day

"Today, I'll be your nurse!" He grinned and you smiled at him, thinking how could you be so lucky to have him.

"(Y/n)?" He tilted his head. Feeling confused at you daydreaming directly at him. The look of adoration visible in your eyes and he couldn't help but blush.

Not thinking about your next action, you quickly leaned in to peck his soft lips. Earning a shock gasp from the blond man. You covered your mouth when you realised what had happened.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it," you mumbled but the blond just smiled and shook his head.

"I don't mind at all. We could continue kissing after you eat, yeah?" Naruto said before raising a spoonful of porridge and blowing on it slightly to decrease the heat. Your heart swells when you see this action. He is really sweet.

"I'm such a good nurse dattebayo!" He jumped in victory and you chuckled at his action.

You two were currently dressing up, preparing to go for a date.

You tiptoed and kissed him on the cheek.

"That's your prize," you giggled. Referring to the kiss, making Naruto smirked.

Before you know it, he had pushed you slowly until your back was against the room wall. His hands were on the side of your head, caging you in.


Your heart started to beat incredibly fast at the close distance, it's been a long time since you were this nervous.

"(Y/n)..." He whispered seductively with his husky voice, successfully making your knees buckled. His half lidded eyes flickering from your eyes to your lips. The drastic change in the temperature makes you almost sick.

"I want a different prize. Not just a simple kiss on my cheek," He whispered before licking the shell of your ears and you gulped.

"W-what d-do you mean?" You stuttered even harder. It's not that you don't know what he's referring to but this is so sudden.

He peppered kisses alongside your jawline before continuing his kisses on your neck. Naturally, you throw your head back to give him more space while a sigh of pleasure escapes your lips.

His hand went to your head and gathered your hair, pulling it slightly and making you groan in pain.

His lips find that one spot that he loves and bite, giving it a gentle tug before he sucks on it.

"Ah! N-naruto!"

He was attacking the juncture of your neck which is your weak spot. You moaned helplessly against him. He pulled his lips from your neck and smiled, admiring his love bite on your skin. You're sure it's gonna turn purple tomorrow.

Just when you thought that he would stop, he went to attack your neck again. Determine to show people around him that you are his.

Tugging, biting, sucking, licking.

He kept on repeating these actions and littered your neck with his love bites.

The air was intense and hot as he didn't show any signs that he wanted to stop.

He suddenly grinded his hips against yours and you can't help but gasped at the contact. He took the chance to attack your mouth with his skilled tongue which you can't help but submit to him.

His tongue explored every inch of your wet tavern, ravishing all of it. When he broke the wild kiss, you were already a painting mess.

Naruto gave your lips one last lingering kiss before smiling at you teasingly.

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