Part 4

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"You bastard, LET HER GO!" Naruto was holding himself, trying to control his emotion or else Kurama might take control and destroy this house which (y/n) wouldn't be pleased.

"Why should I?" The man smirked before he licked up his girlfriend's jawline in front of his own eyes.

Naruto's eyes dilated in anger as he charged forward but to no avail as the man had escaped once again, but this time he brought his girl away from him.

He could feel the absence of the man's chakra and (y/n)'s chakra. Naruto Uzumaki can't believe that this is happening. His biggest nightmare has come true.

The man fell on his knees, still trying to process things that had happened. If only he didn't let his emotions control him and sleep with her tonight, this wouldn't have happened.


"Let me go! I want to see Kakashi sensei!" Naruto struggled against the shinobi that were guarding the Sixth Hokage door.

Suddenly, the door opened. Revealing the man that he wanted to meet and to his surprise, his friends were also there.

"What a drag..." Shikamaru said. His hand rubbed the back of his head.

Eyes still widened in shock. Naruto walked slowly towards them, joining them standing in front of the Hokage's desk.

"(Y/n) has been kid-" Naruto started, eager to tell him what has happened.

"We know it, Naruto." Kakashi cutted him. The answer got Naruto frowned.

So they know? But why...

"Then why are you not doing anything?" He lashed out. His fingers curled into a fist.

A punch from Sakura landed on his head, making him stop his madness and rubbed the sore spot.

"Baka! Why do you think we are here?!" Sakura scolded and the blond man's eyes widened in realisation.

Seeing this, Kakashi smiled under the mask before continuing.

"Therefore, I have assigned you five missions to save (y/n). Make sure you guys bring her back," Kakashi ordered while glancing up at Naruto. He realised the usually bright man was still not smiling.

"Is there something bothering you, Naruto?" Kakashi asked. His eyebrows furrowed in concern.

As soon as the words left Kakashi's mouth, all heads turned to face the now gloomy jinchuriki.

"Nothing Kakashi sensei."


The five of them were riding Sai's bird. Shikamaru with Sai, Sakura and Hinata while Naruto was alone. He still couldn't think straight at the fact that she was gone.

His hair flowing with the wind. The cold harsh weather makes him shiver. They were currently flying above the land full of snow. It has a breathtaking view but Naruto still couldn't bring himself to be amazed by the scenery.

On the other hand, Hinata was using her Byakugan to search for (y/n). The veins in the cheeks popped out as she activated her special eyes. A shock gasp from the lavender eyes kunoichi made them all stop.

"I-it's hers," Naruto exclaimed as he picked up your kunai. How did your kunai even get here? How far were you?

Million thoughts running inside of his head.

Naruto stared at the kunai as he felt his heart ache. Now, he knows that you have nothing to protect yourself with.


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