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don't mind the first paragraph if you know what i'm saying ahahaha.
{Ponyboy's P.O.V}

He rubs my back in circles as I moan pulling off my shirt
"J-jJohnny.." i stutter "m-more..."
"What's that princess..? Use your words." Johnny says in his deep.. sexy voice. He smiles knowing exactly what I wanted
"I-I-I want you" I say as quiet as possible, hoping he could hear me. He kisses me slowly. All of the sudden Soda burst through the door! I jump to get to my feet as Johnny does the same, trying not to get seen by soda. I pull my shirt my back on as I look over to soda
"Dinner is almost ready" soda says looking at the both of us then going back in to the living room. Johnny looks at me then winks mouthing the words "later baby" then winks again.

~After dinner~
I was looking for Johnny and the first place I thought of was the lot. As I was walking to the lot where Johnny usually sleeps. Suddenly, 3 socs come out of nowhere..
"HEY GREASER"one of the men said jumping out of the car. I started to panic knowing I have nothing to defend myself with. All of the sudden I was pinned to the ground by one of the socs. At this point I was
scared but didn't want to show it.
"Need a hair cut greaser?" One of the socs on top of me says as he pulls out a switch blade putting it too close for comfort. As he was on top of he hit me in the face a couple of times. It hurt more then usual cause the guy that was punching me had a hand full of rings. I punched the socs on top of me thinking the impact was hard enough to get him off. The soc I punched just got more mad then he was ready and slides the blade down my arm leaving a long deep cut. He was about to cut my hair as I kick and scream telling him to get off.

"HEY GET OFF OF HIM" I hear Johnny yelling while running at us at full speed. The socs on top of me didn't move he just looked over at Johnny. When the socs on top of me wasn't looking, I knocked the blade out of his hand just in time for Johnny to pick it up
"What are you going do about it greaser" the 2 other socs said when going into fight Johnny. One of the socs punched Johnny right in the nose. Johnny backs up a little bit and holds out the blade tightly but loosely ready to strike. One of the socs tried to hit him again but this time Johnny stabs him in the arm. the other socs also went to go hit him but also get stabs in the arm. All 3 of the socs got up and ran away
"Hey, pony you ok?" Johnny ask in a calm voice.
"Y-yeah I'm fine.." i look up to see Johnny already looking at me
"Are you ok? Your nose is bleeding.."
"So is your arm." Johnny said showing me my arm. I didn't feel the long cut in my arm until now.
"Come on pony lets go fix you up" Johnny says reaching down to help me up.

{Johnny's P.O.V}
I was strolling down the lot, like usual when I see ponyboy and .. socs? "What is ponyboy doing with .. socs..?" I look closer and realize, "oh, shit." Scared, I run over and yell, "HEY GET OFF OF HIM." I covered my mouth. I never said that before.. I caught my breath and picked up the blade Ponyboy kicked out of the Socs hand. I hold it close to the socs face, struggling to commit. I finally do it, I stabbed him. I quickly help Pony up, watching as the socs run. I hug pony as tightly as possible checking to see if hes hurt. "Y'yeah I'm fine." Pony replied in a trembling voice. I sigh and continue on, "Let's go fix you up.." I whisper in a fairly quiet voice.

{his hands feel so right} : johnnyboyWhere stories live. Discover now