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Josephine POV
"What was that Jo?" He says smiling.

A smile appears on my face when i see be has dimples! "Nothing" I blush going to my room to change.

I close my door and go to my closet to find something to wear. My door opens I turn around and it's Victoria.

"It's hot outside" she says

I nod getting a black jumpsuit that is a over my knees the leather is soft. I change quickly putting some sandals on. Victoria is wearing jean shorts with a yellow shirt that shows too much of her cleavage.

"Don't you think that's too much cleavage?" I ask her nicely

"Nahh it's summer" she walks out of my room. I walk down the stairs next to Victoria.

"Victoria that's too much of cleavage" Hero rolls his eyes

"Shut up" she mumbles

"Ready ?" Hero says

We both nod.

"Wait no I forgot my phone I'll be back" she walks quickly upstairs

It's just me and him now. He's wearing a white shirts that has word and some light blue jeans with his Air Force white shoes. I look at Hero looking back at me I look away. He makes me nervous, he makes me get this weird feeling in my stomach.

I feel him coming closer his hand grabs my gently. His skin is soft against mine. He pushes softly against the wall coming closer to my face my breathing hitches.

"Do I make you nervous Josephine?" He whispers in my ear sending shivers to my body again

"No" I lie

He places two small kisses in my neck making me bite my lip to not let a moan out. He pulls away from me

"Don't lie to next time jo"

I blush bitting my lip. I hear him groan when I look at him. His eyes are on my lip.

"Okay I'm ready" Victoria says coming downstairs

We walk out of the house going towards  a black nice car that seems to be a suv. I don't know much about cars. I sit in the back with Victoria and Hero in the front.

"How far is it ?" Victoria says

"Mmm maybe twenty minutes away depending if their is traffic"

Victoria nods looking out the window. I look around wondering when my eyes land omg he mirrors in front of the car. Hero is looking me through it. We share and intense stare after we hear Victoria clear her throat. I look at her smirking at me. I blush looking out the window.

From the corner of my eyes I can Hero smiling looking at me. I can tell he like the way he makes me feel. I start to think if he's going to act like nothing happened back in the house.

We get to his mansion and it's beautiful.

"It's beautiful" I tell him looking around

He chuckles softly.

"Their is a pool in the back you and Victoria can come anytime you guys want"

I smile

"Can we get in now?" Victoria says with exited

"It's not done yet it will be done tomorrow"

She frowns "then we'll come tomorrow"

Hero nods. He shows us the house around after we finish he invites us for dinner which we say yes to. We get in our seats and order our food.

"Hero has mom called?" Victoria says

"Yeah she called two days ago" he says with a serious face

"Why?" He raises an eyebrow

"No just asking" she shrugs

"Jo what are you going to study for ?"

"Mmmm... not sure" I don't look at his eyes their to intense they make me nervous to look at. If I look at them I'll forgot what I was going to say.

"I'm going to use the restroom when right back" Victoria says she winks at me before walking away

I glare at her she does this on purpose.

"How old are you Josephine?"

I swallow my food before answering

"Twenty two" I smile

"Do you have a boyfriend?" He says

"No I'm not really into relationships" I blush

"Why ?"

"Mmm i don't know.... I guess I never really tried to be in one" I blush again

"I'll like to wake you somewhere today" he says

"I'm back guys" Vitoria says interrupting me

"Great timing Victoria" Hero says glaring at her

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