I Think it's Cute.

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Donnie would never say that he was lax when it came to training.  He always trained, almost three hours a day, on his own accord, and often found that it could be very educational.  There were times however when it became less educational and more painful.

Hence why he now sits in his lab with an ice pack on his cheek from his recent spar with Raphael.

He admired his brothers' ferocity when it came to fighting, even though sometimes it was used against him, and he wouldn't doubt that they've devoted much of their time to training.  Leo and Raph especially, Mikey just preferred to watch tv or play or something, but it wasn't exactly always for Donnie.

He found that he was always comfortable in his lab.  Distractions everywhere from whatever was bothering him, things that needed solving or repairing.  Plus his favorite, inventing.

He knew his brothers tease him for his adoration and love for gears and machines but he couldn't help it.  It helped him in more ways than one, as well as others.  The T-Phone, patrol buggies, and more were just something he loves doing.  He always enjoys inventing.

Sometimes Leo gets concerned that he spends too much time involved in mechanics rather than training but that doesn't bother Donnie.  He knows he's capable and he knows that machines are where his talents lie.

Even as he bends over a new piece of the patrol buggies he finds that his mind flickers back to the match.

He was tired of getting mocked, tired of getting beaten and bruised.

Tired of losing.

Yet he finds that it's easier to forget about the humiliation of getting beat with his own weapon when he looks down at his T-Phone and opens it to see a text from her.


He knows his brothers tease him for it but he can't help it.  April was just so amazing.

She was ferocious, kind, pretty, smart, bold, brave, caring, and so many more positive adjectives that float through Donnie's mind whenever he thinks about her.  He shakes his head slightly and looks back down to the text.

I'll be there in five!  Running a little late!

He smiles to himself, his reddish brown eyes falling over the T-Phone's screen before he types a response.

Can't wait!  That's fine!

He gives a little sigh before he sets his T-Phone on the desk in his lab and walks over with his tools and sets himself down in front of the buggy.

He doesn't know if it was exactly five minutes before he hears his brothers greeting April.  He almost gets up but he just needs to finish a little more to the buggy.

The door to his lab scrapes open and he tries to hide the giddiness that rises in him when he hears her walk in.  He turns, his toothy grin immediately taking form on his face.

"Hey, Donnie!"

"Hi, April!"  Donnie greets in return, waving with his three fingers as the over 6'0 turtle rises to greet her.  She smiles back at him as she perches herself on his desk.  He grins even more, if that's possible, and sets a wrench down next to his computer.

"What's that?"  April asks, curiosity laced in her voice as she points to the buggy.

"Patrol buggy.  I'm working out some kinks.  Why were you late by the way?  Not that I'm being pushy or nosy-I was just asking-you don't have to answer actually!"  Donnie rushed as he tried to catch himself but resulted in wanting to face-palm himself.

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