Second Chances

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Chapter 4

Second Chances

            As I make my way down the hall, I watch as the pack members’ rush to clean out two of the guest bedrooms. I smile as I make my way outside. When the warm sunshine hits me, I laugh softly. “What’s funny D’argento?”

            “Nothing sir, I was just enjoying the sun.” I smile at the alpha king and he sits beside me on the grass. “Who’s coming to visit?” I ask curiosity eating away at me. “The Luna of Hell’s Fury and her father, a Randy Cortez.” I feel my wolf shiver at the sound of his name. Puzzled I look at her, but she just laughs. “I remember my brother saying something about a new pack by that name. What do they want?” I ask and he looks at me. I drop my eyes to the ground and apologize for being nosey. He laughs at me.

            “You’re not being nosey Kennis. I suspect they’re coming to ask for help against a coming war with Mutts.”

            “And will you help them?”

            “I want to. But first I have to make sure that they don’t wish to use my help to harm another pack.”

            “I’m sure that’s not what they wish to do Tommy.”

            “And how would you know that?”

            “Just call it a mother’s intuition if you like.” He laughs softly and I smile. Tommy’s beta, Ryland O’Shea, steps out from the woods. “Excuse me sir.” Tommy laughs at him.

            “What have I told you about calling me sir when we’re alone, Ry?”

            “I’m sorry Tom. It’s a habit that’s hard to break.” Tommy nods at him. “What is it?”

            “They’re here. I showed them to the garden out back.” Tommy stands up and offers me a hand. I shake my head and jump to my feet. “I’m independent.” I tell him laughing. We start walking towards the garden. With each step I took, Treva becomes more excited. Then the smell hits me. It smelled of pine, apples and roses. I take a deep breath and Tommy looks over at me worried. “Are you alright?”

            “Yeah, I just smell something that’s all. Don’t you?”

            “No. I just smell my two guests.” I shake my head as Tommy opens the gate to the garden and steps back and allows me to enter first. The smell gets stronger. As we round the corner, I see a young woman and a man about my age standing beside her. He looks up and our eyes meet. That’s when Treva loses it. Mate! Mate! She screams at me. Everything around me fades, just leaving this man and me alone.

            Tommy clears his throat, pulling me out of my daze. The man steps forward and bows his head in respect towards Tommy. “Sir, I’m Alpha Randy Cortez. And this is my daughter Luna Marianne Bellflower Winchester.” The girl bows her head as well. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Alpha Bell.” She says softly smiling at Tommy. Tommy smiles back at her before he introduces me. “And this is Kennis D’argento.” I nod at them. Randy stares at me smiling. “Mine.” He whispers but everyone hears him. Mari looks up at him confused. And Tommy just stares at him, keeping his emotions hidden.

            “Mine.” Randy repeats again, stepping towards me. Tommy growls softly at him and he stops. Bowing his head, he mumbles an apology. “You and Ms. D’argento can catch up after our meeting.”

            “Of course alpha king.”

            “Now, what can you tell me about this little war of yours with the Mutts?” Randy looks at Mari and then back at Tommy. “They’re after my daughter sir. You see, she’s… Mari is a pure silver wolf and they want her powers.” I gasp softly but everyone still heard me. “What’s wrong Kenni?” Tommy asks me.

            I train my eyes on Mari. “I’m a pure silver wolf as well.” The silence is so thick that you could have cut it with a knife. “How is that possible?” Mari whispers softly looking up at Randy. “I’m not sure princess. The story didn’t say anything about there can be more than one pure silver wolf.”

            “There’s a little loop hole with the powers we can give our mates.” I blurt out catching Mari’s attention. “What is it?”

            “I found out that when I was pregnant with my daughter, that my mate could be hurt in any fight. He was no longer protected. The day he was killed protecting the two of us from Mutts, I found out that I was pregnant. But a week later, I lost the pup. And not too long ago, I lost my entire pack to Mutts. They were looking for me.”

            “I’ll send my very best men to help with your war.” Tommy speaks up, his voice laced with iron and steel. I knew that Tommy’s mate had died right in front of him. He had hosted a huge party and met her before the night was over. But a huge group of hunters crashed the party, killing her instantly. I watch the way he looks at Mari. She must be his second mate. But her first mate is still alive.

            Shaking my head, I smile at Randy. We walk over to the fountain and sit down. I glance up and saw that Tommy and Mari were talking. Randy slowly takes my hand and I look at him. “You know, after my Isabella died, I didn’t think I would ever find love again. The day she died was the day that our daughter disappeared. I thought the Mutts had taken her. But she found me not too long ago. And now, I have found my second chance to love again.”

            “After my Preston died, I didn’t want to find my second chance. I knew that something would happen to him because of me.” Randy places his finger on my lips and gives me a loving smile.  “Darling, you couldn’t get rid of me if you tried. I, Randy Cortez, accept you, Kennis G’argento, as my second mate.”

            I speak, but my voice was low and soft. “I, Kennis G’argento, accept you, Randy Cortez, as my second mate.” We smile at each other as he places a kiss on my forehead. I hear a giggle and I look up to see Mari laughing at something that Tommy said. I sigh, I wouldn’t wish the pain of having a mate die on anyone, but I could tell that both of them would make a great couple some day.

            Tommy leaves and I watch my father and Sunni for a little while. The alpha king’s hand had accidently brushed against mine, and I could feel faint sparks shoot up my arm. What’s going on?

            He’s our second mate.

            I thought that we couldn’t find him until our first mate dies.

            Normally that would be true. But since we’re a pure silver wolf, normal doesn’t apply to us anymore.

            So, what will happen? Will I have to choose between him and Cass?

            No. I don’t believe that Tommy’s the kind of man that would make you do that. He just lost his mate not two years ago. He’d want you to come to him on your own accord. I sigh and look towards the path he left on. Who would have ever imagined that the alpha king would be my second mate? And that I would find him before Cass passed away. I stand and slowly walk through the garden. I find a nice little hidden spot and ease down into the grass. I would have to tell my father soon about the pup, and he would tell Cass. And I knew I had to tell Cass about Alpha Bell being my second chance mate. I knew instantly that he would not take that last bit of information to well. 

        And I knew that I would have to tell him that because of our pup, he would no longer be safe when the war starts. The Mutts would be able to kill him, they would be able to take him from me. 

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