chapter one : d.m

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y/n's pov

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y/n's pov

biking around the empty ghost town, you and dani peddled quickly. it was two weeks until summer let out and lets say, some kids have a longer break,  because they already left for florida, italy, france, you name it. "you wanna get pizza?" dani smirked. "I'm down!" you stood up on the bike as the wheels kept moving, at a decent speed. setting your bikes on the rack, you both chained them up. 

the door creaked walking inside, "hello! welcome to (f/p/p-favorite pizza place) what can I getchya?" the teenage male smiled. "can I have a slice of you?" dani winked, lets just say dani is very flirty and inappropriate, and she's only fourteen! "dani!" you elbow her, "i'm sorry about her, we'll have (f/p-favorite pizza)." he laughed, "that'll be $5.22," you passed him the correct amount of money while he walks to the back of the house.

"could you be any more inappropriate?" you roll your eyes, "actually, I can." she winked, she needs jesus. you swipe out your phone, getting on messages. "order for y/n." they yelled sliding the box out, dani grabbed it mumbling a  low 'thanks' while walking out the door. laying the pizza in your basket on your bike you both peddled off.

peddling up your driveway you both set your bikes in the garage. rushing inside, you both officially dig in. "can you do my hair?" dani asks chewing on her pizza. you nod, washing your hands while walking over to do her silky blonde hair. she held many books in her lap next to her greasy pizza.

flipping through the pages she smiled, "look, it's our mom's yearbook," she pointed at your mom, I wish I could meet my teenage mother. she tossed the book opening an old, small, dusty book. "its one of your grandpa's diary." 

dani snorted as she looked at the disgusting book, "your great-great-grandpa did not make a time machine," she tossed the book, sticking her pizza slice in her mouth. "how would either of us know?" you smirked, "good point." she giggled, as you put the tie in her hair. "up next, bad news bears" you heard murmur on the tv.

"did you hear that?" you smirked, running over, jumping onto the couch. staring at the multiple scenes rolling through the movie, you hear a creak upstairs. ignoring it, you continue watching, "imagine living in the same era as them." dani giggles letting you raise your eyebrow.

a second loud bang comes down, shaking the chandelier. "what was that?" dani stood up. "sounds like it came from the attic," you paused, quickly running upstairs. 

you and dani entered the second floor, pulling a string to reveal stairs to fall down before you. you both walked up them, unsure from what you were gonna see. boxes were scattered around everywhere, and a couple of box tvs were dusting up. looking down you see a remote with the letters, 'd.m.' that's probably the item that fell.

looking at the box tv that had the same d.m logo, you grabbed the remote walking over. "holy shit! look at all the records this has!" dani gasped, running through the box. opening the cardboard box near the tv, vhs tapes overflow the box with the same d.m logo on all of them. searching through another box near it, you see old cute clothes, yearbooks, notes, and more.

"whats d.m?" you finally ask, "no clue." dani says as she looks through the boxes for vintage items. seeing the sandlot you slide it in the tv, "aye! the sandlot on vhs!" you smile, reaching for the remote. dani runs over, "wheres yeah-yeah?" she giggles, you press a button setting it to start. "dude imagine being in one of these movies," dani laughs. "haha yeah!" you laugh in sync.

the movie begins to glitch and it drops to a static, "is the vhs scratched?" dani walks over, snatching the remote, she touches the static screen. then the house begins shaking violently, causing you and dani too fall. "shit!" she yells, while boxes fall on you guys, packing peanuts overflow over you both hiding your sight, "what's going on!" dani yells. setting up, everything in that room has changed.

slowly, the house stops shaking while the vhs falls out, it says on it 'the present,' "let's ask if the neighbors felt the shake," you say stepping down the stairs, dani follows. you look around you as every inch of the rooms, walls, and area, have changed in the house. it's like you were in a new era. you step in your room while its redecorated, and new homework is scattered on your desk. the posters changed aswell, 'babe ruth' 'the sultan of swat' 'the beatles' and 'the rolling stones' lay on your wall.

"y/n, everything in the house had changed! our phones are still here but the tvs are now old! OLD!" she cries out. you roll your eyes, at least you still have your phones. running down the new-ish, creaky stairs you and dani run out.

slamming the door, you look around "where the hell are we?" dani yells, while the heat lays on your (s/c-skin color) skin. looking over you see a familiar pink house. "holy shit! are we-" "in the movie?" you both say in sync. "as in- the sandlot?" dani cheers, dancing around. "we're probably not, we're overthinking," you nervously laugh. "explain this," dani pauses showing you a newspaper, '1960s California News,' oh god. 

"oh my god. oh my god." you lay on the cement, freaking out. 


I rewrote this chapter :)

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