chapter seven : fair nights

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the summer night sky glowed with the fair lights gleaming together

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the summer night sky glowed with the fair lights gleaming together. dani wore a half-up half-down hairstyle with a purple shirt, baggy sweatpants, and checkered vans, you, on the other hand, wore baggy-ish high waisted shorts, a baby blue champion shirt, and white converse. let's be honest, you wanted to look nice for benny, so you wore some mascara and lipgloss.

"hey guys, guys! it's all on me tonight," benny cheers, while the boys thank him and cheer. benny handed out the tickets, while we ran off, "ah crap! I almost forgot!" bertram yells, "what?" a couple of the boys murmur, running back. "chaw!" bertram yells, "I was savin' it for a good time!" bertram adds. 

"what is it?" smalls asks, "big chief," bertram pauses, smelling it, "the best!" he finishes, "geez smalls, I suppose you don't know who the babe is either!" ham laughs, you look over at benny while the boys talk about the 'chaw.'

"thanks, for the tickets, that was really sweet of you." you smiled, "anything for my favorite people," benny winks. ham hands you the chaw while you stare in disgust, "i'm good." you pass it to benny, in the movie he grabbed the chaw but he just passed it on, you saw dani stuff her mouth, of course, cause yeah-yeah took some.

"let's ride!" bertram yells, while everyone cheers rushing up the 'TRABANT' stairs. you and benny decided not to ride, cause they're obviously gonna get sick. "so, where exactly are you from?" benny asks. "well-" you pause, how are you gonna tell him you're from the future?

"i'm from (h/t-home town)." you smiled, you felt his hand brush against yours, quickly you intertwine fingers with him. he smiles over at you, walking away from the ride, you watched kids win toys, buy food, and more. the ride was taking forever to start cause something was messing up.

you and benny walk over by a lemon shaker area, "i'll take one." you ask, leaning on benny's shoulder, paying the male he passes you, your drink. you grab two straws, while you and bunny sip it. "my mom wants to meet you." benny says, "really?" you smile, making it over to the Trabant, "she says you sound like a beautiful girl." benny smiles.

"she obviously sees what I see," benny lets go of your hand, while the ride ends, girls come off screaming while the boys step off slowly. everyone got picked up by their moms, while you and benny decided to walk home together and talk. dani left with yeah-yeah, surprise, surprise.

benny slid his hand around your waist while you leaned on him, "so, tell me more n/n." benny smiles, "well I play (f/s-favorite sport) and i'm the captain on the team, and I love (f/b-favorite band)!" you smile. "never heard of f/b, I've seen your shirts though." he laughs.

you shivered while the breeze hit you, benny looked over at you. "hey take my jacket n/n," benny smiled, wrapping it around you. "thanks benny," you smiled. "anything for you y/n!" he slung his arm around your shoulder.

you guys talked about your (siblings/friends) and you both had a lot in common, for a made-up guy...his little sister, lita, her favorite food is potato chips and loves barbies. you walked up to your house, ringing the doorbell. 

dani opened the door, wearing a tank top and shorts, you could see yeah-yeah laying on the couch. "oh god." you say looking over at benny, he laughed. "welcome home love birds! we've been waiting!" dani slurred. 

"is she drunk?" you yell over to yeah-yeah, "nah, she's just super tired." yeah-yeah laughs, "i'm taking her to her bed, see ya two later," yeah-yeah says, softly grabbing dani's hand. you and benny look at each other, smiling. "see you tomorrow, ben." you look into his hazel eyes.

benny cups your cheek, stroking it slightly. he leans in, your lips meeting. his taste like the lemon shake-up while yours taste like bubble gum. the kiss was passionate and soft, he pulled away removing his hand. "see you tomorrow, love." he waves, walking out. 

god, it's gonna be hard to leave him...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2019 ⏰

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