chapter four : pool hotties?

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watching yeah-yeah drag squints was a sight while you lay in the dugout

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watching yeah-yeah drag squints was a sight while you lay in the dugout. you took off your overshirt, so now you're in a tank top, you sat up a little watching squints almost trip over his own feet. "where you guys been? we were waiting here forever already." benny sighs, "ahh, squints was pervin' a dish," yeah-yeah gives benny the ball, "shut up! I wasn't."

"yeah-yeah you were! your tongue was hangin' out of your head, and you was swoonin'! 'oh wendy peffercorn, my darling lover girl!'" yeah-yeah imitated, laughing. "I said shut up! got a lot of things on my mind." squints yells, throwing his mitt. "like wendy?" dani smirks, having yeah-yeah laugh.

"this pop isn't workin' benny! I'm baking like a toasted cheeser, it's so hot here!" ham whines, throwing his hat. "hundred-fifty degrees outside, you can't play baseball, you have to call it for the day!" squints chugs the pop, "yeah, you gotta listen to him." bertram says, while yeah-yeah agrees.

"vote than! anybody who wants to be..a can't hack it, pantywaist, who wears their mamas' bra, raise your hand." benny snaps, while everyone raises their hand, "I mean I've worn my mom's bra before, so I'm gonna raise this up high." dani giggles, "tmi dani." kenny groans,"fine, fine, fine! be like that! so what are we gonna do?" benny says.

yeah-yeah makes a weird laugh, "scam-pool-hotties!" the boys say in sync, oh god.


the boys run out, hopping in and tossing their stuff, except you, dani and ham. you adjusted your bikini top while dani sat near the water. the boys splash around, "come in!" bertram yells, "yeah-yeah, come in! unless you want us starin' at you two hotties!" yeah-yeah laughs, "is it cold?" you ask before putting your foot in. you saw the boys whispering together, you heard wet feet slapping the cement. instantly you turn around meeting a collision with benny. he wraps his hands around your waist, your chests pressing up against each other while the cold water slaps you.

a total brawl started as everyone began tossing each other around. kenny tossed you, going back for squints, you toss smalls while he screams, then dani threw you over at benny, causing him to toss you, you make it back up watching him flip his hair to the side, his hair slaps him making you have the urge to splash him.

benny attacks scotty while all the boys began to stop and form around squints who happened to be looking at wendy, benny laughs, but stops noticing wendy. "oh man!" bertram says, you roll your eyes. "yeah-yeah, too cruel, she doesn't know what she's doing, she doesn't know what she's doing." yeah-yeah eyes her. "yeah she does, she knows exactly what she's doing." bertram adds.

"you guys are getting an erection from a girl putting on lotion? y'all that desperate for girls touch?" dani laughs, shouldering you. you could feel someone eyeing you, out of your peripheral you see benny's hazel eyes. you look over making eye contact with him, he eyes you up and down winking jokingly, "you wouldn't understand, I've swum here every summer in my adult life," squints pauses scrubbing his glasses, "every summer there she is, lotioning, oiling, oiling, lotioning, smiling, smiling, I can't take this no more! move!" squints growls, doggy paddling past the boys.

he steps out of the pool, looking back with a sly grin. "what's happing?" dani whispers, "he's gonna fake drown." you mumble back. "what's wrong with him?" smalls says, "what's he doing?" ham adds, while squints steps onto the diving board. "three summers of this, I think he's finally snapped." kenny gasps, "I don't know, but that's the deep end, and squints can't swim!" yeah-yeah yells, as we all watch him.

he shivers, taking off his glasses while he waves at wendy. he holds his nose pouncing in. the boys yell, swimming off to get to squints. squints body lays under the water, while wendy officially notices diving in. "squints!" the boys yell sprinting over. they all crowd around squints lifeless appearing body, yelling for help, a big crowd officially forms around you all.

they pull him out while wendy yells, "never mind, never mind!" and she begins cpr. "come on squints!" the boys lowly chant repeating themselves multiple times, "come on squints, you can do it! pull through bud!" smalls yells, "come on man, come on!" benny yells worriedly, "yeah-yeah! he looks pretty crappy." yeah-yeah says, "shut up yeah-yeah!" dani elbows him. "oh god, he looks like a dead fish!" bertram claims.

wendy moves away once again, listening to his chest, squints eyes open up and he grins, evilly. "what?" a couple of people murmur, including ham. wendy moves back, placing her lips on his breathing, he wraps his arms around her head, forcing her down. she screams, pushing him away. "little pervert!" she yells, "oh man! he's in deep shit!" timmy yells.

wendy slams him up, nearly dragging him out of the pool, while the big crowd follows. she tosses him in the grass, while dani laughs, "and stay out!" she hisses, stomping back. you all rush over grabbing your belonging, rushing off again around the building.

"hats off too him for growing a pair and kissing her," benny laughs, "you guys he planned that! he knew what he was doin'!" ham yells. "whatever, he just overthought it." you laughed, while you put on your shorts, and converse. benny slipped on his p.f flyers. "yeah, what he did was rotten and low." smalls added, "hey n/n? you look super adorable in your two-piece." benny smiles, leaving a pink tint on your cheeks, you giggle.

wendy knew she couldn't stay mad at squints and she shook her head smiling, waving to him. we all waited for him and he waved back grinning like a maniac. the boys started making fun of him, "shut up!" he snarked.

as you guys ran home you noticed, yeah-yeah had dani interlocked fingers.

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