chapter three : camp out!

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tossing a cap over your low, messy bun you and dani run out

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tossing a cap over your low, messy bun you and dani run out. stepping onto the sandlot, you fidget with your hair, "hurry up! we ain't got all day!" squints yelled, "yeah-yeah! we ain't got all day!" yeah-yeah added, "shut up." dani yelled back. stepping into our positions, you and smalls traded cause he prefers being on the right, so now smalls is on the right, you're in the center and dani is on the left while ham goes onto the base.

"hamilton 'the babe' porter!" ham hyped himself up, while benny let a low laugh out. "if you're the babe then im usain bolt," you yelled to dani, she laughed. "long-ball porter!" "come on denunez," ham paused, pointing up high.

denunez laughed, while the others did as well. "yeah! give him a hockey stick!" yeah-yeah added mocking ham, while all the other boys made a riot, denunez threw, ham struck at the ball, missing it. the ball slapped into bennys hand, let's be honest, benny looks hot with that mask. "woah!" benny smiles,

"you call that pitching?" ham yells, "this is baseball! not tennis!" "give him a tennis racket!" one of the boys yell, "give me something to hit!" ham yells again, while the boys laugh. "alright ham! this is my heater, I dare you to hit it!" denunez yells, "you'll be sorry," ham snarks, "give that boy a bigger bat!" squints laughs. "pitch him a basketball! maybe then he'll hit it!"

denunez throws his heater, ham strikes again at the ball and the bat smacks it, sending it far. you run, while your hat begins falling off, you watch the ball go behind the rustic green fence, disappearing. everyone yells in anger while ham hypes himself up, running around the bases. "ham! you idiot! now we can't play no more!" benny yells, while everyone throws their mitts.

dani looks at you, winking, "wait a sec! me and n/n can get it!" you and smalls walk over, "I can lift you up!" smalls proudly proposes the idea, "you sure?" you ask, laughing. "no!" squints yells, while all the guys follow behind screaming.

you know exactly what's happening, you step on the fence while smalls lifts you up, "n/n! stop!" the boys run over, you feel an urge to laugh while your halfway over the fence, "n/n!" you hear benny yell, he grabs your waist pulling you down, while all the boys crowd around you.

it began to hurt you could feel everyone's arms around you. "ouch! let go!" you yell, while benny drops you and the boys, and dani, form around you and smalls. "holy crap n/n! you could've been killed!" squints yells, "yeah-yeah, truly! what are you doing?" "well, I was gonna grab the ball until a bunch of hands grabbed my butt and pulled me off." you laughed, while a couple of the boys faces went red, "not true! well I mean maybe I did.." you hear squints, but then benny slaps him, "you can't go back there!" benny yells.

"then how do we get the ball back?" smalls questions. "we don't," "we don't," "its history," "its history," "kiss it goodbye." "kiss it-" "shut up tommy!" "its gone man, gone." bertram claims, "the games over man, we'll just get a ball tomorrow, we'll never see it again." benny sighs while the boys murmur a 'yeah.'

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