chapter two : L-7 weenie

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"hey y/n, d

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"hey y/n, d.m means dimension machine.." dani shrugs sitting down next to you.

"you tell me that now?" you yell. "lets keep our distance from the boys, we might ruin the movie, or even change the script." you set up. "can we go shopping?" dani smiles, pushing her hair behind her ear. "fine." you roll your eyes.

"I don't understand why you aren't excited! you can meet benny! the guy you swooned over for half your childhood!" she skipped, around the store, "i'm gonna go outside and get some fresh air." dani came running out instantly, "I saw the sandlot boys, we need to hurry!" dani yelled running out, with her bag rustling, very loud.

"will you cut it out." you turn down an alleyway, slamming into someone. "shit!" you mumble, "benny-man watch where you're going, you ran over a pretty girl." you hear a male voice, laugh. "oh my god shes dead!" dani cries out. "why me!" she cries while you set up. "good you're not dead." dani stands back up.

you meet eyes with benny, he leaves his hand for you to grab, you, of course, grab it. "thanks.." you hold your head, while it rings. "i'm super sorry.." he says, "i'm benny rodriguez, you guys new?" "yep, i'm dani, that's y/n, or n/n(-nickname)." dani smiles, "nice to meet you benny." you look into his hazel(?) eyes.

"nice shirt." squints says, "yeah-yeah, nice shirt!" you look down at your shirt, when did my outfit change? your shirt has the yankees apparel and number three on the back, your blue jeans, and black converse made a decent fit.

"i'm squints." "kenny," "bertram," they all named themselves, spitting, but of course, we already knew them, we officially started walking, dani stayed with the boys while you stayed with smalls. you ignored them and had awkward silence with smalls.

finally you could hear squints laugh,"come on benny-man, the kid is an L-7 weenie! are we even sure the girls are good as well?" squints laughs, cracking the other guys to constantly make fun of smalls. "what are you laughing at yeah-yeah? you run like a duck!" benny claps back, you let out a giggle.

you see benny running his hands through his hair. "but i'm-i'm-" yeah-yeah stutters, "part of the game, right?" benny snarks, "mm- yeah.." yeah-yeah says, "then how come they don't get to be?" benny sighs.

"you okay?" you stare at smalls, placing your hand on his shoulder. "im fine, thanks.." he smiles, "man, base up you blockheads!" benny lifts his mitt, walking over to smalls.

"smalls, you take left-center," smalls rushes over but pauses, "where exactly is that?" benny turns around licking his lips, "its, over there man." smalls runs over, "here?" benny turns around, raising an eyebrow, "that's left, I said left-center." benny walks off, letting smalls place in the correct area.

"um do you ladies- I mean girls wanna play?" benny scratches his neck. "no!" dani says while you say, "yes!" you both stare at each other, awkwardly, "trust me," she mouths. "fine, we can watch." you sigh.

you and dani walk with benny, "y/n and dani are not playing, right?" squints yells. "yeah- yeah, they're probably not even good!" yeah-yeah adds on, "we're watching, today." you scoff, sitting behind ham, against the wired fence. "yeah-yeah, get two!" benny whaps the ball, sending it to yeah-yeah. "yeah-yeah is so cute." dani admires, laying her head on her hand, "nice!" ham tosses the ball to benny, he turns meeting your eyes, he licks his lips turning back to the game.

"aye, smalls! throw it too second!" benny yells slamming the ball, smalls steps back tripping on the ground. "awhh, I told you benny, I told you!" ham groans, "he has no place to judge smalls," you whisper to dani.

benny runs out to smalls, after watching him run to give someone the ball, giving him a small throwing lesson, he runs back over, "its about time benny! my clothes are going out of style!" "they already are squints!" "shut up!"

ham stepped away passing the ball too benny, "told ya benny." once again, "smalls, throw it too second!" he spits on the ball, while smalls sets/lays his hand/mitt in the air. benny smacks the ball, sending it right into smalls mitt. "yes! let's go smalls!" dani cheers. "okay! let's play some ball!" bertram cheers.

kenny pitches the ball while it falls off-center, rolling in your direction. you snatch the ball from ham as he hisses, "hey give it back!" ham yells, "chill ham, let n/n do her thing." benny adds, my thing? you throw it right into kennys hand. "crap!" he winces holding his hand, "nice arm n/n," kenny laughs, holding his arm.

walking home, you happened to live near smalls, ham and benny, you hear a bunch of '8 o'clock?' and 'byes' "benny wait! your glove!" "keep it, man." "thanks!!" "oh yeah, smalls!" "uh, bring a t-shirt and jeans tomorrow, okay?" walking off, you couldn't hear their conversation but you feel a presence other than dani's now.

"hey y/n, if you wanna play tomorrow, wear your hair up, and bring that arm of yours i'm sure you'll be amazing." benny laughs, pausing realizing what he just said, letting a pink tint cover his cheeks. "awe, you're so sweet," you giggle, "thanks, i'll see you tomorrow." he chuckles and waves.

"dick didn't even acknowledge me!" dani whines, slamming the door.

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