chapter five : cheerleader

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the fourth of july crept around and you n dani are having a blast in the movie

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the fourth of july crept around and you n dani are having a blast in the movie. the polaroid dani got of you and benny laid on the back of your phone. your phone started ringing and it read "mom" oh no. "n/n, bennys at the door lets go!" dani yelled, running outside. you dropped your phone running outside.

the boys and you and dani ran through the crowd. firecrackers, sparklers, and fireworks cracked while you ran past them, speeding up so you were at bennys pace you stayed up with him, he moved his mitt into his hand that he held his bat, grabbing your hand, your fingers intertwined while he dragged you along.  

kenny threw the ball, while bennys bat hit it, sending it. everyone watched the fireworks in awe, ignoring the fact benny was jogging through the bases. in the movie, the fireworks looked okay-ish but in person they were beautiful. the sky lit up, "holy shit." dani yelled in awe. "its gorgeous!" smalls yelled, gleaming.


you ran over to the ball while benny rushed, you threw the ball right past squints, landing in hams mitt. "nice n/n!" squints chanted. benny slapped his foot on the base, as ham got ready, "pickle!" he screamed, benny stopped in his tracks, stutter-stepping at least three times back and forth. he rushed past ham, stepping on the plate.

you, dani and smalls ran past squints, "nice job!" smalls yelled, while all the boys congratulated him, he killed it! dani nudged you, "you know what scene it is?" she smirks, winking. "oh no!" squints yelled, turning around, the boys start walking over while phillips and his crew peddle over.

the boys threw their mitts, while benny snatched his bat, why exactly does he grab his bat? you, dani and the boys walk over, stopping as your now face to face with phillips and his crew. you cross your arms as you and dani look at the boy's outfits. phillips licks his lips.

 "ahh, it's easy when you play with a bunch of rejects, a fat kid," phillips pauses looking you up and down,"and a couple of hotties, rodriguez." phillips winks at you and dani, "shut your mouth phillips!" benny yells, pointing his bat. "screw off, stockings." dani flips him off sticking her tongue out. "what'd you say crap face?!" hams hisses, "I said you shouldn't even be allowed to touch a baseball! except for rodriguez, you're all an insult to the game," phillips pausing again,

"except you cutie, you'll never be an insult, not even to me." he winks, while you just stare quietly. "come on! we'll take you on right here, right now! come on!" 'yeah!' the boys chant, as you and dani join along. "we play on a real diamond, porter! you ain't good enough to lick the dirt off our cleats!" phillips hisses back.

"watch it jerk!" 

"shut up idiot!"


"scab eater!"

"butt sniffer!" the boys chant at hams comeback.

"puss licker!"

"fart smeller!" bertram sniffs the air, letting out a soft 'ahh!'

phillips looks around, then directly at you, he looks back at ham, "you eat dog crap for breakfast, geek!"

"you mix your wheaties with your mommas' toe jam!" the boys chant again.

"you bob for apples in the toilet, and you like it!" 

ham pauses, growling, "you play ball like a girl!" ham yells, the boys gasp.

"ham! you idiot! screw you!" you throw your mitt at ham, slapping him in the face while squints laughs. phillips gasps, "what'd you say? if that's how a girl plays, I'd be crazy hot, fatty." he snorted back at ham. "leave her out of this, and you heard me." ham snaps. 

"tomorrow, noon, at our field, be their buffalo butt-breath." phillips says, snapping his letterman back. "count on it pee-drinking-crap face!" ham yells 'yeah!' the boys say in unison again. "lets go!" phillips yells, "your cheerleader with a big butt better be there to cheer me on!" phillips peddles off.

the boys run back, 'we're gonna kick their butts tomorrow!' and 'yeah!' roam through the little crowd. "I don't have a big butt n/n, he was talking about you!" dani laughs, "what the hell was that for, ham?" you yelled. "I looked like a complete object and fool in front of the man-whore!" you yelled in anger. "I'm sorry n/n! it just came out!" ham said, you started walking at him, while benny grabbed you.

"let me at him!" you yelled, as benny brought you into a hug. "listen n/n, you better show that man-whore who's boss tomorrow, for me? I know you'll bring all of it to the table and I'll be able to cheer my girl on." benny laid his hand on your head, faintly playing with your hair. 

"I'll bring it all tomorrow," you claimed.

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