chapter six : my girl!

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"ouch!" dani cries, "the braids are too tight!" she whines, "oh shut up, your hair is too short

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"ouch!" dani cries, "the braids are too tight!" she whines, "oh shut up, your hair is too short." you tightened her braids. you, benny, dani, smalls, and ham arrived a bit early, no one was here yet. but, phillips wasn't wrong about the field though, they're super nice. "I for one think n/n's braids look really good." benny smiles, "shut it rodriguez, no one asked." dani hisses, "thanks!" you giggled.

"you look really good!" smalls smiles, looking at dani's hair. dani wore a purple long sleeve shirt, knee-length shorts, and her black converse. you wore your hair in braids with bennys blue 'LA' hat, your white yankees shirt, blue jeans, and black converse. more of the team began slowly showing up, including the tiger's team - phillips. - "we'll make an exception for y/n, and dani, you guys will probably need the extra points, oh and I'd like to see y/n's b-" "shut up phillips!" benny snarks.

phillips and benny did a coin toss, and phillips won, taking the bat first, while all of us set up in the outfield, dani chose to sit out, while yeah-yeah switched with you so he could hang out with her. how cliche- I mean cute.

"playyyy ball!" ham yells, putting his mask on, "hurry up batter, gonna be a short game, and I gotta get home for lunch." ham adds. player six stepped up, to bat, instead of striking he watched the ball land in ham's mitt.

"hahaha! that's one!" he glared at the player.

"y'know, if my dog, was as ugly as you, I'd shave his butt and tell him to walk backwards." ham laughed, while number two got ready to strikeout.

number nine got ready to strike out, "the heater, here it comes!" ham mumbles, nine strikes, "strike three, your out!" ham holds the ball.

phillips steps up to bat, practicing hitting, while ham jokes with him, "hey, is that your sister out there on left field, naked?" ham pauses, "no, but its y/n!" phillips hisses, "your sister, its your sister not n/n, but she's naked." ham smirks, while phillips strikes, missing the ball, "shut up porter!" phillips yells. "aye, aye, aye, I'm just trying to have a little friendly conversation, come on," ham pauses, "think she'd go out with me?"

ham steps up to bat, eyeing the bat, "come on, show me your stuff, show me what you got." ham says while mixtures of yells roam through the two teams, 'take him out' and 'come on ham!' number six, pitches, and ham hits it perfectly. it was out of this park.

bertram slams it, kenny hits it perfectly, squints points up around, then hits perfectly, throwing the bat, smalls hits it running off, dani gets up to the base, while she chews her bubble gum, "move in!" phillips yelled, "screw you!" dani yelled while the boys moved in while six pitches it, dani slams it while it flys over their last outfielder. yeah-yeah goes next, hitting it square on. tommy bundts it, timmy hits it.

all of the boys slid onto the second and third base, making it. smalls had one of the cleanest slides out of any of the boys. you slowly walk up the base, "let's go n/n!" benny cheered. dani, tommy and timmy all wait patiently on the bases. "bring us home!" dani yells, you bring the bat up hearing a wolf-whistle, "nice ass n/n!" phillips yells, while the boys move in. you pull down bennys hat, getting in position.

what happens if i'm the first one out? I need to give it my all? "strike one!" gets yelled in your ear bringing you back to reality. "give us something babe!" phillips yells, while his team laughs. "as you wish," you mumble, six pitches, you strike at the ball, they each meet perfectly while your ball hits the fence. dani, tommy, and timmy sprint while you run past first, second, then third.

"pickle!" ham yells, wait what? your heart beats faster than a drum, while you juke back and forth. "just get her!" boys yell, one comes running at you while you dive past him laying your hand on the plate. "that's my girl!" benny claps, engulfing you into a hug. "benny aren't you gonna bat?" smalls asks, "nah they're losing enough. don't wanna rub it in." benny laughs.

the tigers stomp off in anger at their loss, while we all agree to go to the fair together.

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