Juza's Dream

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"Help! Please, help me!" a voice desperately called out in the darkness.

Juza desperately searched around blindly in the darkness for the owner of the voice.

"Please, someone! Anyone! Help me!" the voice continued to cry out.

Who was it? What did they need help with? Why were they calling for him? He started to slow down, seeing no end to the darkness. It was then the scene before him started to brighten. He found himself standing in a nearly empty meadow. A tree stood before him. The inside could be seen and it was completely on fire. It must have been struck by lightning.

He looked up and saw a butterfly floating beside him, looking at the tree. His wings were as black as night with the edges tinged with a slightly dark turquoise color. He's never seen a butterfly with such colored wings before. Juza stepped back slightly, seeing the butterfly starting to glow a strange color.

"Oi, what's wrong?" he called out, not wanting to touch it but still concerned.

The butterfly combusted and turned into numerous particles. The tree started to suck them in until none were left. Nothing seemed to happen. He moved to touch the tree only to be sent flying back onto his rear by a strong pulse of magic.


Juza sat up in bed with a start, breathing heavily and sweating all over. A tissue was wiped across his forehead as he gripped his bedsheets.

"Had a bad dream?" a soft voice asked.

"Aoi... Did you... did you see that?" Juza asked, taking the tissue from Aoi and watching him sit on his thigh.

"No. I can't see your dreams." said Aoi with a shake of his head. "At least not at this stage."

"It was scary and weird... Someone was calling for help. A butterfly with strangely colored wings. He exploded and was sucked into a tree... it was burning inside." said Juza, feeling Aoi rubbing his finger in a motion that he liked.

"Eh? What color?" asked Aoi in disbelief.

"They were as black as night but had a tinge of turquoise color..." said Juza, remembering how they shimmered slightly.

"You've been reading too many books and articles on us. I keep telling you to stop reading them before you sleep." Aoi fussed, crossing his arms.

"It felt real. He combusted and-" said Juza but Aoi had left his spot on his thigh.

"I've heard enough out of you. From what I recall, you have school to attend." said Aoi, pointing to his digital clock.

"Promise you'll look into the strange butterfly while I'm in class!" said Juza, running about his room, gathering his things.

"Sure." agreed Aoi, sitting on his bed as he left out the door.


Juza silently greeted the many butterflies that hovered by their partners. One left the comforts of their partner's hair and sat on Juza's shoulder.

"You again." Juza mumbled, opening his locker.

"Miss me? Anyway, I was thinking: I round up everyone and we all hang out on the roof during lunch." said the pastel winged butterfly. "You're like, the only one who can see us."

"Do you all often get lonely?" asked Juza. The butterfly nodded. "Well, I suppose I could. That is if the door to the roof is open."

The butterfly cheered happily then flew back to tell the others. He closed his locker and was spooked by a boy with a shit eating grin on his face.

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