A Shared Dream

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a few (rona) days later...

Juza found himself waking up in complete darkness. He was back to human size. Kazunari lied motionless beside him. Juza gently picked him up and held him close. Was it the dream again? It couldn't be. Kazunari wasn't calling out for help. Kazunari was right beside him. Juza covered both his and Kazunari's eyes as the light was blinding.

It left him and Kazunari sitting before the tree standing tall with pink and gold leaves. Were those it's natural colors or something else? He had seen them in the previous dream in white and purple and in person they were all green. He moved to stand up only to feel the ground tremble and knock him off balance. Kazunari finally woke up, finding himself being pressed against something.

"You...?" he said surprise.

"Kazunari! You're awake, thank god. What's going on here? The ground is shaking so much and the leaves are a different color." said Juza in a panic.

"It's... No..." Kazunari whispered, reaching out towards the tree.

Juza was sent back as a white bolt of light hit the tree, revealing the flaming tree he had come to know. Kazunari started to weep.

"Oi, get ahold of yourself! Explain what's going on!" Juza pleaded, gently shaking Kazunari.

"I've... I've got to find it..." Kazunari whispered, freeing himself from Juza's hold.

"Kazu, don't go any closer!" Juza shouted, chasing after him.

Kazunari started to glow. He grabbed hold of him and ran back. It couldn't end like this. What did he have to find?

"Help me... find it... before..." Kazunari weakly whispered before combusting.

Juza grabbed at his particles as the tree sucked them in. A pulse of magic was shot out, much stronger than before. He only caught a glimpse of the sky before he blacked out.


Juza shot up and collided heads with Aoi. They rubbed their foreheads as they apologized.

"Is everything okay...? You were fussing so much in your sleep... I was worried." said Aoi, gently caressing his cheek.

"Where's Kazunari?" he asked, jumping out of bed.

Aoi visibly tensed. It was like that day on Earth all over again. All he had on his mind was Kazunari. Juza was treating him like a side character, an extra.

Juza burst into Kazunari's room and saw him sound asleep. He jumped onto the bed and tried numerous ways to wake him. He didn't budge. He moved to blow in his face once more until someone had tackled him to floor.

"What are you doing!?" she shrieked.

"Wait, don't misunderstand!" said Juza quickly as she looked ready to eat him alive.

Kazunari sat up in bed in a daze. A minute passed until he came to life.

"Oh, what are you two doing?" he asked curiously.

"He was trying to seduce you while you were unconscious! I stopped him." she said triumphantly.

"You've got the wrong idea! I was just trying to wake him up!" Juza fussed, squirming in her hold.

"Did you need me for something?" asked Kazunari in confusion.

"Did you hear anything last night?" he asked.

"Yeah... how did you know?" asked Kazunari a bit scared.

"That was me! We were communicating in the dream realm!" said Juza.

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