Juza's Dream pt2

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Juza found himself running in darkness once more in his dreams. The voice continued to ring in his ears, desperately asking for help. The darkness brightened and revealed the same scene he saw before, the tree, the butterfly. Juza reached out and held the butterfly in his hands.

"Hey, talk to me. Are you calling for me? What's going on!?" Juza asked.

The butterfly finally looked at Juza with a tired and worried look.

"It got through... to someone... to you..." he whispered, his voice hoarse.

"Tell me, who are you? Where are you? Where is this place?" pressed Juza, noticing the butterfly was starting to glow. "Wait, please, don't go yet!" Juza begged.

"Ka... Kazu..." the butterfly said before combusting into particles.

The scene played out, the tree absorbing him and sending out a strong pulse.


Juza's eyes snapped open and saw two small faces staring down at him. He sat up and watched the two of them sit on his lap. Aoi looked at Yakumo, hoping he was able to see what was troubling his partner.

"Well... I did see it. The butterfly he was talking about. I can't believe it, but he was there. His kind might still exist." said Yakumo, crossing his arms. "He was saying something. All I caught was Kazu."

"Well it's certainly not a place in our world, I know that." said Aoi. "Maybe it's a name?"

Juza looked to his side and saw Shion fast asleep. Aoi quietly hovered above him and tapped his face.

"Wake up. You've got school." said Aoi, soon joined by Yakumo who pulled on his ear.

Shion swatted at them before sitting up.

"Good morning." said Juza with a smile.

"Shut up." Shion hissed.

"He's... not the nicest after being woken up. Worse than me..." said Yakumo with a shake of his head. "Back to our conversation, the thing that worries me is that pulse of magic. Did the dream end there last time?"

"Yeah... I wonder what happens after it." muttered Juza as he got out of bed.


Juza continuously wrote "kazu" in his notebook as the teacher went on about boring literature. Aoi left his shoulder and kept him from writing "kazu".

"Aimlessly writing won't help. We don't have much of a choice, but you need to find out more in that dream. Do whatever you need to to get him to talk." said Aoi sternly.

Juza wrote his response before sighing. What if he never had the dream again? All he had to go on was "kazu". It was then he had an idea.

"'Research his kind'... Juza, that's not possible. I'm sure Yakumo could back me up on this." said Aoi, flying away to bring Yakumo over.

Yakumo yawned, having been disturbed from his nap.

"What's so important you had to wake me up?" Yakumo snapped.

"This idiot partner of mine wants to research that 'kazu' guy's kind. Tell him why we can't." said Aoi angrily.

"Look, I'm just as curious as the next person about whether that guy is real or not. Any and all records of his kind have either been wiped or burned to ashes. At least, that's what the public knows. Who knows what our officials have secretly stored away." Yakumo said, staying neutral.

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