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Juza jogged over to the empty meadow and saw Kazunari sleeping underneath the tree. He quickly headed over and shook his body. It was then he noticed his broken wing.

"Kazu! Kazu, wake up! The tree... don't be anywhere near it!" Juza said, shaking him even more. "You never know when it'll strike."

Kazunari looked up at Juza then flopped back down on the ground. He no longer had motivation. They always said you couldn't escape your fate, no matter how much you resist.

"I don't want to die, Juza... but there's no other option. We have no key and you can't destroy trees. Trust me, someone tried it before and well, lets just say it didn't end well for them." said Kazunari, sitting up then meeting Juza's eyes. "Did you ever find out what happens after the pulse of magic...?"

"Time froze for a bit but, it started up again and everything continued normally." said Juza then remembered. "Someone was going to say something starting with f but it was knocked unconscious."

"F huh... it could be anything. Well thanks for the heads up." said Kazunari then thought. "Time stopped then resumed? With all of that build up the other dreams have us, it's pretty anticlimactic..."

Juza nodded in agreement. Kazunari sighed then touched his hurt wing.

"We should get you back to the others. There's something you actually need to see." said Juza, helping Kazunari up.


Juza opened the door then took him to Tien's room. He wasted no time in whipping something up to heal Kazunari's wing.

"So, what's this thing you have to show me?" he asked as he could feel his wing burning from Tien's work.

Juza walked him over to the window and pointed towards to people. Kazunari squinted then let his mouth fall open. He completely forgot the burning sensation in his wing as he ran outside.

"Rina!" he shouted. She down and happily waved at Kazunari. Tears streamed down his face as he held his arms open. "Your wing... its fixed... How?"

"Tien! It feels so different having both wings, but I like it!" she exclaimed, flapping both of them.

One of the few things he had longed to see had come to fruition. He soon frowned as he wouldn't be able to teach her tricks. He sent Rina off to practice more with Lune.

"Oh, you're back." said Aoi, jogging over to him. "Juza and I came up with an idea. We take you back to Earth with us."

Kazunari blinked rapidly, the thought never having crossed his mind. Would it even work?

"Would I be able to? I don't have a human partner..." he muttered, remembering the rule that was implemented.

"It's worth a shot isn't it? I think we could open a big enough portal for Juza if the four of you plus me put in a hundred percent..." Aoi mumbled, rambling on about effectiveness and accuracy.

"Aoi, I appreciate it, truly... but I don't want to do it if it there's an injury risk." said Kazunari. "Ah, what's the status of the flower?"

"It was healed two days ago. We started researching it but, nothing. It just acts like any other flower other than it dissolving and requiring a specific serum to heal. Oh and it's petals can regrow." said Aoi.

"What happened after you plucked it off?" asked Kazunari now intriguied.

"Uh... we don't know. Juza plucked it off and a minute later it disappeared. He swore he didn't do anything." responded Aoi.

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