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Kazunari and Juza stood underneath the entrance to Villa. Kazunari was adamant on stay out and for good reason.

"Okay then just carry me up there and stay hidden." said Juza.

Kazunari picked him up bridal style then dropped him on his rear once they reached the top. He needed to meet up with the others and see if they dug up anything new.

He found himself standing in front of the familiar two story home. The door open before he could knock and he was instantly pulled in.

"You're okay! How did you get away?" Aoi asked worriedly.

"Guys, I came here to see how much you've researched. Things aren't quite dire, but they could get there. Please say you've found something." Juza begged, pushing Aoi aside once more.

Aoi snapped. He tackled Juza to the floor and pinned him down.

"Me or Kazunari?" he asked, his nails digging into Juza's skin.

"Aoi, what are you doing? Let me go!" he fussed.

"Who the hell is your partner, Juza?! Me or that going extinct Kazunari!?" Aoi shouted, needing an answer.

"You are. You always have and will be." whispered Juza.

"You don't act like it. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Ever since that asshole came to you in a dream, it's always been him. I'm a fucking afterthought. Why don't you pay me attention like you do him? I'M your partner, treat me the best!" Aoi shouted, tears streaming down his cheeks. "It hurts..."

"So you're okay with possibly letting your world collapse because you want attention? You're okay with the possibility of lives being lost because you want to be number one and take up all my time?" Juza asked in a calm voice. "You're okay with becoming a murderer?"

Aoi fell silent as he loosened his grip on Juza. Juza gently pushed him aside before heading downstairs.

"I heard some shouting. Is the missus alright?" Yakumo asked, nestling his head on Shion's shoulder.

"So, anything new, Shion?" asked Juza, avoiding the question.

"Well, we finally got into the computer thing and just now started going through everything. Ah, something label 'pipevine'. Hoping it's got info." said Shion opening it.

A few photos and one document appeared. He started with the document.

"It's detailing their plan to attack 'pipevine' during their Bababava ritual... The hell is that...?" Shion asked, looking at Yakumo.

"I was but a wee butterfly when the purge happened. And as I mentioned before, son of an official so I never interacted with them." said Yakumo with an apologetic look. "Aoi wouldn't know either. He was practically a baby around then."

The two humans mulled it over, wondering how aging worked in Rona. Shion shook his head, looking through the photos. They were like X-rays almost. How much did the officials know about those labeled "pipevine"? He started looking through other files, hoping to find something.

"Hey, open that one." said Yakumo finding it vaguely familiar. Shion opened it and various documents and photos appeared. "I knew it. This is where my predecessor stored their info on events and holidays. That Bababava thing might be in here."

Shion scrolled as he opened and closed documents, figuring the photos would come after it.

"This!" Shion exclaimed, finding bits of information in a document. "Is there a way to get this onto paper?"

Shion let Yakumo handle the rest, finally being able to breathe a sigh of satisfaction and relief.

"Why don't you take a break? You've been working hard for a while." Juza suggested, pulling him out of his seat.

"I guess I deserve one." said Shion, climbing up the stairs.

Juza quietly looked about the room, noticing Aoi was gone. He kind of expected it, seeing as how they fought. Shion took his hand and led him out the house. Not many were out and about, meaning their internal clocks noticed it was time to sleep.

"Have you ever wanted to be a butterfly like Aoi? Able to go in and out of worlds and have a bunch of friends who you could relate to easily?" Shion asked as they walked around.

"A few times... but I have parents, a little brother and cousin who love me exactly the way I am. Sure, it's lonely not really having someone to call a friend, but like they say 'the night is darkest before the dawn'." said Juza, a small smile on his face.

Shion quietly opened up to Juza more about his somewhat lonely childhood and his inability to really make any friends due to how he came off to others. When he had finally come to see Yakumo, naturally he was surprised but saw it as a opportunity to gain a friend.

"We didn't really get along at first, believe it or not. I thought he was untamable until one night he got himself caught in the garbage disposal. He's been glued to me ever since then." said Shion with a few giggles. "He may act the way he does but he truly means well. Most of the time."

"How'd he get stuck in it?" Juza asked, curious as to how he could mess up that badly.

"He dropped my ring in it. He was trying to secretly clean it." Shion responded, still touched by the gesture. "I'm just glad nothing bad happened."

They reached the entrance of Villa and it was then Juza remembered Kazunari. Calling out to him wasn't a good call, but neither was jumping down and hoping something broke his fall.

"Is there something down there?" Shion asked curiously.

"Someone is. Kazunari. I can't wait to tell him the news. Ah, but I came here with the intention of finding the missing key." said Juza, looking back at Shion.

"What does it look like?" he asked.

"We don't know. I figured if it was kept anywhere, it had to be here in Villa where they spent their last moments." said Juza as he walked away from the edge. "I don't think it's a literal key, more like an object. Something related to them but also inconspicuous."

"I can have Yakumo look into it. He might know some other names they might've gone by." Shion reasoned as he walked ahead.

Juza moved to follow only to feel something grab his ankle.

"Kazu?" he whispered, crouching down.

"Any clues to the key's whereabouts?" Kazunari whispered.

"No, but was the ritual your predecessors performed to keep balance called Bababava?" Juza asked.

"Sounds about right to me. Do you have info on it?" Kazunari pressed.

"Yep. Hopefully it's been put on paper by now. I promise I'll keep looking for key clues, so why don't you go home for now and get some rest?" Juza suggested, starting to notice he looked a bit tired.

"No, I can't just leave... I need to get in here, but my wings..." he muttered, gently touching them.

It was then Juza had a risky idea.


"A rare breed has graced us with its presence." Yakumo sneered.

"Show me everything you've got on us." he demanded, unzipping Juza's jacket and letting his wings breathe.

Shion and Yakumo pulled out everything, giving their own thoughts on the documents they uncovered.


Aoi sniffled as he sat on a rock. He wasn't being selfish. He didn't intend to sound selfish. He just wanted Juza to interact with him like he's always done. He looked to his side and saw a turquoise and black flower blooming underneath the grass. He reached to pick it then stopped.

"Why is he everywhere I go..." Aoi said, half angry half sad.

He pushed the rock over it before leaving. The flower's color slowly started fading.

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