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The flower soon started to regain color after two whole days of putting a single drop in.

"You all keep going. I need to go check something." said Kazunari, leaving in a hurry.

He had to check on the tree. If the leaves were pink and gold, it would be the worst case scenario. He picked up his pace as he could feel himself nearing the tree. He soon landed, unable to continue flying. He looked up and saw the leaves were all pink. He took that as a bad sign.

"I... I knew I'd... I'd find you... here..." a worn out voice said loudly.

"Juza? Did you run here?" Kazunari asked in disbelief.

Juza collapsed before he could answer. Kazunari was instantly by his side, putting his head on his lap. Did he really run all the way from Villa? It didn't seem likely. But what if he did? He gently stroked Juza's hair as he used his wings to fan him, ignoring his growing headache.

"I've never really found nor had the chance to really say this but... thank you, Juza. For everything. You answered my cry for help when you didn't have to. You aren't afraid to voice your opinions and learn things you don't understand. And you're brave, somewhat. Even after I kept pushing you away, you were determined to help me no matter what..." said Kazunari, his wings trembling. "I really don't deserve such a person like you, not after running away and pretending not to know anything. Acting so cowardly towards my past..."

His wings trembled more as he wiped stray tears. Juza remained still. Kazunari sighed then smiled softly as his wings continued to tremble. It started to concern him. Was it because of the headache? The tree? He looked back at the tree that stood tall and proud, showing off its pink leaves. A voice pulled him out of his thought, causing him to move Juza off his lap and sit farther away.

"Kazunari! Have you seen Juza!?" Aoi shouted from afar.

Kazunari pointed to his side as Aoi approached. He felt his back as his wings had stopped trembling.

"This idiot... I told him I'd carry him but he just took off on his own. Though, I'm glad he didn't pass out completely alone." said Aoi, subtly thanking Kazunari.

"Ah, take care of him." said Kazunari, watching Aoi carry him away. "Why were they trembling so much..."


Juza opened his eyes then assessed his situation. He was in a room and not by Kazunari's side like he remembered. Aoi entered the room then hurried over with a cup in hand.

"Tien said it'd fix you right up, but you have to drink it all." said Aoi, handing him the cup.

Juza silently took it and downed it in one go. He lied back down then covered himself with the sheets. Aoi found this strange. He was always raring to go after a good rest.

"Is something bothering you...?" Aoi asked softly. No answer. He sighed and figured now was the best time. "Juza, I sincerely apologize for my selfish attitude the other day... I could be endangering lives by keeping you from Kazunari. I was blinded by jealousy and envy... I wasn't thinking."

"It's my fault too. I've been so absorbed in prevention that I didn't make time for you, the one who's always been by my lonely side." Juza muttered.

Aoi hugged Juza's covered body with all the love and affection he could muster. His shoulders and heart felt lighter afterwards.

"Do you mind giving me some alone time? I want to think." said Juza.

Aoi agreed then left the room. He turned onto his back and stared at the ceiling. They solved one mystery, but not the important one that had been plaguing his dreams since day one. They weren't any closer to finding the key. How much time did they have left before the leaves were hold and pink? What color were they now? What would happen if they never found the key? What exactly was that pulse of magic? Juza closed his eyes, silently begging for sleep to consume him and magically provide answers.

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