The Dream Butterfly

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~Time skip: 1 (Rona) week

Aoi held Juza in his arms as they flew around. Nothing but trees, grass and flowers as far as their eyes could see.

"Will they really be able to pull it off? What happens to butterflies who get caught?" Juza asked worriedly.

"Exiled from Villa." Aoi responded calmly.

"Isn't it dangerous then!? Yakumo's home holds so much information, not to mention that hologram that asked for a pin!" Juza exclaimed, forgetting they never mentioned it.

"What? Why didn't you tell us!?" Aoi fussed, close to dropping Juza.

Juza felt himself slipping and falling out of his arms. Aoi panicked and swooped down to catch him, only for him to disappear from sight.

"Juza!? Juza, where are you!?" he shouted, hoping he didn't meet his end.

"I'm right here!" Juza shouted, finding himself in someone's arms.

He looked up and felt his eyes widen in shock. He freaked out, causing them to accidentally let him go. Juza once more started plummeting to his death. The butterfly quickly swooped down and caught Juza just before he crashed to the ground.

"You saved me... again..." he whispered.

"I couldn't let you die. That'd weigh heavily on my conscious, bud." they said with a grin.

"You... aren't you the one who called for me?" Juza asked, recognizing the wings and face anywhere.

"I don't know what you mean, fam. I ain't called anyone." he said, confused.

"No, really... you appeared to me in my dreams. You were desperately calling for help. I'm not crazy." said Juza, having been put down on the ground.

"Hey, look, if you're trying to use pick up lines on me, you're going to have to do better." he said with a shake of his head. "Though, I'm more into women than men at the moment."

"Hey! Listen to him." Aoi said in a serious tone from behind him.

The both of them swallowed hard as a pressuring aura emitted off of Aoi.

"Alright then... what's your name?" he asked. Juza gave him his name. "Alright Juza, lay it all on me."

Juza told him the entire dream from start to finish, including the moment he got a chance to talk to him.

"Well, I'm going to be real honest here... I don't remember doing anything like that. But I do remember being woken up one night by some voice in my head. All I could really decipher was the word name, so I started shouting it like a nut job." he said with a frown. "Maybe someone was pretending to be me."

"I knew we shouldn't have pursued this. That's it, we're going home Juza." said Aoi, opening his arms.

"Aoi, that dream was real. I truly felt that pulse of magic." said Juza, turning his gaze back to the butterfly. "Do you really not remember?"

"Other than the name thing, I've been sleeping like a rock. No literally, like a rock. My friend said I've been hard to wake up lately..." he said with a thoughtful look. "And when I do, I look like I went to Lulila and back a hundred times before perking up."

"That! That's it! It's your subconscious! I knew you were the right butterfly." said Juza, taking his hands. "What's your name?"

"Uh... Kazunari..." he muttered then was suddenly being spun around.

Aoi watched in envy as Juza fawned over him.


"So, I heard about your kind..." Juza mentioned, figuring he'd know more about it.

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