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Kazunari walked around Villa, trying to act as normal as he could. He was upset, that much was true. Here these people were, carrying on with their lives as if their glorified leaders didn't purge an entire race. He wasn't one to seek out revenge, but he did wish bad things upon them daily. He found himself passing by a familiar park.

Of course it was familiar, it was where he had regained his memories. Memories of the rituals, his time spent playing with others, failed romances. He decided to take a trip down memory lane and walk through it. He was forced to stop as a pained noise rang in his ears. No one was around. It sounded again, this time more guttural and choked.

He looked around, trying to find the source. A small light came from underneath a rock. He moved it and saw a crushed, discolored flower. He no longer heard the pained sounds, but it was obvious it was coming from the flower. Kazunari gently touched it, wondering if it was possible for a flower to suddenly lose color, seeing as the others around it were still fluctuating.

Juza quietly watched from afar, worried that Kazunari might run into trouble alone. Yakumo had tagged along upon request from Shion.

"So, what's Kazu got that Aoi doesn't, hm?" Yakumo asked.

"Huh? I don't understand." Juza responded, keeping his eyes on Kazunari.

"I'm saying, what about Kazunari is attractive to you?" asked Yakumo with an intrigued grin.

"Why are you asking something like that now of all times? The fate of your world rests in our hands, that's what's important right now." said Juza, before finally making his way over to Kazunari. "Is that a flower?"

"Oh, Juza. Yes, it's flower but, there's something wrong with it..." muttered Kazunari, pointing out things he's noticed. "It's not making pained noises, but it's been really silent."

"It was making noises?" Juza asked in confusion, knowing he didn't hear anything.

"Yeah... I wish I knew healing magic, maybe then we could save it." said Kazunari then gasped. "It's... it's dissolving?"

Yakumo hurried over then put the withering flower in a bubble.

"That should hold it for a while." said Yakumo, not too thrilled about having to be nice. "We need to find Aoi if you want this thing to live."

"How do you know...?" Juza asked in surprise.

"Our wing colors may vary greatly, but usually those with lighter wing colors know healing magic." said Yakumo as he handed the bubble to Kazunari. "However, that doesn't apply to people like him."

Yakumo poked Kazunari's chest before walking away. He envied them. He wanted a unique power like them. Yet he had to be born normal.


Aoi was nowhere to be found. Where could he have disappeared to? Kazunari took off Juza's jacket as his wings felt suffocated. He quietly stretched them out while Yakumo, Juza and Shion discusses Aoi's whereabouts. He looked out the window, wondering what Aoi was really like as he never really got the chance to befriend him.

Most of the time he was trying to separate him and Juza. Then it hit him. Why he was always frowning, why he constantly saw a need to get in between them.

"Juza, is Aoi in love with you?" Kazunari asked, keeping his gaze outside.

Everyone turned at Kazunari's question. Juza was now in the spotlight.

"In love? I don't think so. Why is everyone asking me about Aoi and romantic feelings?" asked Juza, clearly confused.

"Don't you remember how he always got in between us? And always had a frown on his face? It's obvious he doesn't like me either." Kazunari mentioned, finally looking at Juza.

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