\\An Open Door|6//

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It was another hour before Aizwaw and Izuku came back from their chat with the principle, they had been granted permission to force their entry into the room if need be and as a precaution medial crew were on stand by, just the be safe. Izuku was a mess, he was beating himself up about being so selfish, about telling her secret even though it was needed and should have been shared so much earlier for her safety. 

Meanwhile back at the dorms all of class 1a were huddled outside of Etzumi's door, all silent, waiting, hopeful. On the floor back resting against the wood was Hyriko, Etzumi's younger sister. Her eyes were full of tears and voice broke as she talked through the door - to her knowledge, her words fell on deaf ears but yet she continued. 

"Katsu..Katus...Kat, Whats wrong with Zumi?"The words came from a worried Kiyoko who hid her head in the neck of non-other then Katsuki Bakugo. "She's having a bad day Kiki, she'll be okay though" He kept his voice level for the child's sake but his face read otherwise. All their faces help similar worried, uncertain glossed over, looks. 

"Hey, Zu... Let me in please, everyone is worried, literally, everyone is out here hoping for you to be okay. " Hyriko felt the wood of the door push back, her eyes lit up with hope - her sister was okay, awake at least, sat in the same possession as her just beyond the door. Her expression change wasn't missed by the others and the tension in the atmosphere lifted a little as a relieved tone took over the room. 

"You know Bakugo of all people was the one to text me out of worry, people care for you Zu, all of you class does, They aren't mad at you, they don't hate you they are just scared - they don't understand what's happening...but they don't need to understand...they don't even want to know whats happened. " Hyriko continued. 

"They just want you to be safe - to be okay" the room fell silent and then there was a click...a lock turning. In an instant, Kiko spoke up with a smile after the door didn't open. "ZU ZU" she wiggled to get down, Katsuki reluctantly let her, and she ran to the door. Hyriko took her hand, she glanced back at the class - "Give me a minute" She smiled before entering.

By the time Aizawa had gotten back, all this had transpired. Todoroki caught them up and the teacher dismissed the class as to not overwhelm his student. Thought Bakugo stayed for the sake of getting Kiyko out of their hair while the rest of what needed to happen happened. 

Riko and Kiko exited the room after a few minutes, Aizawa instructed them to wait downstairs while he talked with Etzumi and they listened and did as they were told.

Shota knocked before entering the room. "Konishi?" his voice was soft. She was sat on her bed head down, right hand gripping at her left wrist - sending alarm bells off in the teacher's mind. "How are you feeling?" He had to be careful about how he went about this. He got no reply. 

Etzumi was trapped in her own thoughts, she hadn't left her room in days and it seemed like no one had even noticed other then Izuku but to find out all of the classmates were worried? To find out Bakugo of all people were desperate to the point of texting her younger sister for help - It filled her with reassurance, she realized how blind she had been towards her classmates, she felt...Happy...but she felt bad - she caused them so much worry, she caused problems and now Aizawa knew about her not so health copy mechanism. 

Overall she felt defeated. 

"I'm getting tired...of pretending I'm okay"


I don't like this one and will probably rewrite it.

Initial Plan

- Aizawa arrives at the dorms with Izuku to find everyone surrounding Etzumi's door, Kiko in Bakugo's arms a little ways away.
- on the floor outside Etzumi's room is Hyriko, sat with her head down against the door talking into the room about how one of the students texted her because they were worried about Etzumi.
- this makes Zumi feel worse but happy - people actually care - end with her saying the above before opening her door but not leaving the room, Aizawa told the students to go away and look after Kiko and make dinner, etc and told Riko to wait downstairs and he went into the room to talk to his student.

Initial Inspiration

"I'm getting tired of pretending I'm okay"

word count 646

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