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"No! Please no more!" I scream as his hand collides with my stomach. My body jolts forward and I begin to cough.

"Tell me what you know about Niccolo!" The man screams and I look up at him.

"I don't know anything! I barely see even know the guy!" I holler and blood splashes out of my mouth. I spit the blood out and look back at the man, who is now smiling.

"You like the taste of blood, suka?" He asks with venom lacing his words. I smile at him, knowing my teeth are red.

"If you're going to kill me, just fucking do it you coward." I growl and he smacks me across the face. I yelp in pain and my head violently turns to the left. The right side of my face is sore and I snap my head back, glaring at him.

"Do it! Fucking do it! Fucking kill me!" I scream at the top of my lungs and start to struggle. I thrash around and feel the rope tear into my wrists. I pull and twist harder and harder and the pain makes me bite my lip. Eventually, my hands slip out of the rope and I hold them in front of me. My wrists are bloody and dripping onto my legs. I guess my blood acted as a lubricant.

"What the fuck?" The man shouts and I look at him. Next thing I know I'm lunging at him, and knock us both to the floor. I throw punches at his face repeatedly and scream louder with each one.

"Fucking coward!" I scream and he catches my hand. He manages to get me off of him and he picks me up, then throws me down on the floor. I feel all the air in my lungs leave and I'm left gasping on the ground like a fish out of water.

"You wanna fucking die suka?" He shouts, his voice echoing throughout the room.

"Thomas!" I hear a loud voice shout. I look behind me to see legs and the door hitting the wall.

"Boss, ona vybralas' iz verevki." He says in a foreign language. I lay there, staring at the legs, and then move my gaze up the body to find that it's Alexander. A tear glides down my cheek and I look straight up, feeling all hope of living leave my mind. I know I'm going to die. At least I don't have much to lose.
(Boss, she got out of the ropes)

"Get out. Now." He growls, his voice is powerful and deep. The man, Thomas, leaves without another word. I hear the door close and then see Alexander standing above me.

"Can you stand?" He asks and I don't move. Instead I just close my eyes and think of something warm and happy. It's quickly interrupted because I feel two large hands snake under my body.

"What?" I ask surprised and snap my eyes open. He looks down at me and his eyes are empty. Everything about him is just dark and empty. He's a shell of a human.

"I asked if you could stand, you never answered. So I took things into my own hands." He explains and sets me down in the chair.

Literally. I think and laugh internally.

"If you're, if you're going to kill me..." I trail off and look up at him, tears clouding my vision, "Just do it already."

He looks at me with a raised eyebrow and squats down in front of me.

"I never told him to hurt you, I'm sorry. I'll get my medic in here to check up on you. And to fix up you're wrists." He grabs my hands and examines my wounds. When he goes the touch the area next around the wound, I hiss and pull my hand away.

"It hurts." I mumble and feel the tears come more freely. They start to pour down my face and I feel his warm hand rubbing up and down my arm.

"It'll be okay Eva, don't worry. I'll keep you safe." He tries to comfort me, but it just makes it worse.

"You kidnapped me! What did I do to get here? What did I do?!" I scream and he stands up, looking at me.

"I know, I know now that you don't know what I thought you did. And I'm truly sorry." He says and I stand up. Feeling my anger boil up inside me.

"You're sorry?!" I shout and stare at him. I smack his chest and push him back until he's up against the wall. I squeeze my eyes shut and hit his chest with my fists and start to calm down.

"You kidnapped me. Tortured me. Asked me questions that I don't have answers to. And you're sorry?" I ask, hatred in my words. I look up at him to see him already looking at me and I'm taken aback by his saddened look.

"Yes, Eva. I'm sorry. I don't know what else to say." He whispers. Tears pool in my eyes and he grabs me and pulls me close to him. He's, hugging me? Instead of fighting I go limp and feel like my world around me is just a fantasy, just a dream.

"What did I do to deserve this?" I ask sadly, and he rubs my back. After another couple seconds he pushes me back and hold my shoulders, looking me in the eye.

"Nothing Eva, this is not your fault. Niccolo should've never involved someone like you in this dangerous life. I'll let you go, but you have to promise to never speak to Niccolo again. And to never tell anyone what happened. If you do, I'll bring you back. And I'll have to have the person you told killed." He explains seriously and my stomach drops. I look down and back up, letting the cold air nip at my skin.

"Whatever, whatever you want. I'll do. Just take me home." I mumble and look back up at him. My face is hot from crying and from being smacked, but for some reason I'm shivering. I begin to see little black and white spots clouding my vision. It feels like all the blood is draining out of my body and I can barely stand.

"Eva?" I hear Alexander call. But it sounds like he's talking through a tunnel.

"What's happening?" I ask and lean my head back. I watch the light above me move as it feels like I'm falling backwards.



"Ah fuck." I whisper as I wake up, my body sore and my face hurting. I crack open my eyes to find that it's dark out, and I'm back in my room. I sit up quickly and look around my room frantically.

"Alexander?" I call out, waiting for some gangster to come in at best me again.

"Eva?" I hear a voice call and then heavy footsteps walking down my hallway. My heart races and I anxiously wait for my bedroom door to open. The second it does I see a tired Niccolo standing there.

"Niccolo?" I ask, completely appalled by seeing him standing there.

"Oh thank god you're awake." He says relieved and rushes to my bed. He sits down and places his hand on the good side of my face.

"What happened?" I ask, feeling my emotions surfacing. I start to feel the tears building up and the ball forming in my throat.

"You were kidnapped, I don't know why. Or by who." He admits to me and I panic.

"Niccolo, I need to ask you something. And I really need you to tell me the truth." I tell him and grab his hand from my face. I hold it in mine and he looks at me seriously.

"Okay, I'm ready to tell you anything you want to know." He admits and looks down for a second before looking back to me.

"Are, are you in the mafia?" I whisper out my question, afraid to get a response from him. His expression changes and he pulls his hand out of mine. My stomach drops and my tears start to falling gently down my cheeks. He lets out a sigh and looks all around the room. Finally, he looks back at me and meets my eyes with his chocolate ones. I feel my heart beat quicken and my palms start to sweat.



Whoooo hoo!!! Y'all, I am in a writing groove and I'm not stopping anytime soon. I know that this chapter is shorter, but I hope you all really like it. And I really hope my returning readers are enjoying the new and improved book!!

Don't forget to vote! And comment!! Much love to you all!!

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