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Alexander's pov

"It seems you're all recovered. Would you say so?" My father says, staring at his desk. I sigh and sit down in the leather chair across from him.

"So it would seem." My voice is venomous. My father stays quiet for another moment before looking up at me and sliding a file across the desk.

"What is that?" I question, and lean forward to grab it.

"That, is Eva's father. Marlo Cipriano." He answers, I glance up at him before thumbing through the file. I stop on one particular photo of Marlo with two little girls. One of who I'm assuming is Eva. Now everything makes sense.

"So, what does this mean then?" I ask and set the file back onto his desk. His devious grin tells me this is going to unfold into something far more sinister.

"Well, see. I have concocted quite the plan Alex. Honestly, how these events unfolded couldn't have been better for us." He begins and my mouth goes dry. Better for yourself, you mean.

"Let me take a wild guess, you'd like me to use Eva's father's influence once marrying her to take over the Morretti's?" I ask monotonously, how despicable. He will use her until there's nothing left. I can't let that happen.

"Loosely, yes. But it will be far more complicated than that. The death of Niccolo still hasn't reached them yet. And I'd like to keep it the way if I could. However, instead I'd like to make it known that we have Eva. Once Marlo finds out he's sure to try and swoop in to save his precious daughter." His plans start to unfold and I can see the end result a mile away. Eva's pain and endangerment.

"And what exactly do you hope to accomplish with that in mind?" My pestering questions are irritating him, that is telling enough. But his disregard for Eva is irritating me even more.

"Well, son. If you'd kindly let me tell you all the way through you'd find out," he pauses and coughs. The father who raised me to be as merciless, fearful and competent as himself; is looking weak. I guess the cancer is finally catching up to him. He looks at me and I nod my head as for him to continue. He stands up and walks to the side of his desk where he leans and stares down at me. I cross my arms in anticipation as he mimics my actions.

"If all goes according to plan, Marlo will learn of his daughters whereabouts and want to come save her. To which I'm sure he will turn to the Morretti's for assistance, and I'm sure they wouldn't mind helping him with an attack against us. However, despite the support he will get; he is sure to get backlash as well. One, Marlo is not an official member of the family. He's is a close confidant and someone who cleans up their messes. His work as a hitman is also impeccable. But with all of this in motion, there will surely be some sort of divide within the family. Among all the disarray and confusion we'd be able to wipe the Morretti family out. Marlo would surely give up valuable information for the sake of his daughters life." His disgusting grin only widens as he further explains this plan of his. Thinking from his perspective, and from the leaders perspective, it makes sense. I'd even dare to call it a good plan. However, I'm more concerned with how Eva will feel about all of this.

"So where do I fit in to this plan?" Another question, and not blind obedience. Surely something that will further irritate him. Instead, his grin turns into a smile.

"Oh, you will be an instrumental role in this plan. You will be in charge of getting Marlo and Eva into contact with each other. You care for her much more than I'd like you to, and more than you care to admit. However, her cooperation in this plan is crucial. Marlo has proven to be quite hard to find, and I believe Eva is the key to that." I lean back into my chair and sigh, rubbing my forehead.

"She won't do it." I mumble and drag my hand down my face. Instead of fury like I expect, he chuckles darkly. Even better.

"Oh! Is that so? Well I'm afraid our darling Eva won't have much of a choice in the matter. And as far as I'm concerned, you don't either. See, here's your guys' options. Either you get her to cooperate. Or, I contact Marlo telling him I have his beloved daughter hostage. At which point she would lose all value here in this household. I'll lure him here myself, get what I need and kill the both of them. How would like that, Alexander?" His malicious smile disgusts me. I stand from the chair and grab the file from his desk, then look him in his cold eyes.

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