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Eva Cipriano

"That's it?" He asks and I smile, nodding my head.

"That's it, you're officially the owner of Mulligan's." I hand him the title and his license, smiling. He takes them, and shakes my hand. To which I grip his hand and shake it back.

"You're invited to the opening night, I'll call you." He tells me and I laugh.

"Oh that's okay, I'm more of a bar person. Clubs aren't really my scene." I retort and he raises an eyebrow, turning around to the door being held open my Rafael.

"Well you going to come anyways, thanks to you that bar will turn into a successful night club. Besides, you can come. Have a drink, and leave. But, just come." He argues, in a very convincing way too. I sigh, look down, then back up and smile.

"Fine, I'll come by on the opening night and say hi." I laugh and little. He just nods his head and walks away, while Rafael smiles and waves. I watch the two men walk away before returning to my seat and getting my paperwork ready for my next meeting. I get everything in my binder and I'm ready to go. However, when I stand up I see Rafael walking back towards my office with a very mischievous look.

"Hey." He says cooly while walking in like we've been long time friends.

"Uh, hey?" I say in a more questioning tone, laughing lightly.

"So, we're going to take you out the dinner. Well, he is. So, can I have your address?" He asks. I'm thrown back by his question and look to see Nicollo just talking with Jamie outside casually. The pretty blonde receptionist flirts and touches his arm a little.

"Oh, that's not necessary. It's really okay." I laugh nervously and wave my hand in the air. Rafael's face turns a little more serious and I can tell he's not gonna take no for an answer.

"Look, you're a beautiful young woman who just helped my boss get a huge business deal for his boss. He's grateful, and he won't take no for an answer. Please." He pleads a little and I crack under the pressure.

"Alright, alright. You got me. Who can say no to free food, right?" I ask comically and grab a post it note. I scribble my name and address down on the paper and hand it to him over my desk. He takes it happily and nods his head.

"Thank you, he'll be there at 7." He says and walks out of the door. Niccolo looks at him and he holds the paper up. I watch as Niccolo eyes burn holes into Rafael and then he looks at me and I grab my stuff, walking out of my office.

"Perché mai lo faresti?" He asks in an angry voice. I smirk as I understand exactly what he says, it's been a long time since I've heard my native tongue.
(Why on earth would you do that?)

"Non comportarti come se non volessi conoscerla meglio. Sei felice di averlo fatto." Rafael retorts and I stop, standing and staring at the two men before me.
(Don't act like like you don't want to get to know her better. You're happy I did this.)

"Immagino che ti vedrò alle sette allora." I say quietly with a small smile setting on my face.
(I guess I'll see you at seven then.)


I looked at the clothes in my closet and sighed. I should've asked what to wear. What if he takes me to some fancy restaurant?

"And what if he takes you to McDonald's?" I ask myself out loud and laugh. I move my clothes around searching for a dress. Finally, my hand lands on a simple black cocktail dress I forgot that I had. A small smile stretches across my lips as I pull it out of my closet feeling victorious. I grab my phone from the bedside table and turn on Pandora, letting the music fill the room. My bare feet pad to my bathroom as I turn on the shower.

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