chapter 1

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Ma'liyah POV

"BITCHHHH, guess who i just saw in Dunkin Dounuts."jazmyn said sitting on her bed adjusting her phone.

"who?"i said looking at her confused

"you know kyan fine ass friend jabari?"she said finally looking at me

"yea?"i said still confused waiting for her to answer.

"it was him and some hoe he was with and ah little girl"she said with a mug on her face rolling her eyes.

"why do everybody gotta be a hoe cause you dont like them?" i said with a questionable look on my face, but right after i said that i heard a big crash downstairs

"what the hell was that" jazmyn asked shocked looking at the phone closely

"i dont know imma call yhu back tho, prolly my damn dad" i said with an annoyed look on my face, she just busted out laughing so i told her i will call back before i go to bed. i got out my bed to put some socks and shoes on before i went downstairs. after i did did that i left my room and went down the hall to look over railing and all i saw were my dad and some lady on the floor with the table and a vase that my mom brought. she looked really familiar like i seen her around the house before. i just shook my head and went back in my room to get my car keys and my overnight bag and sent a text to jazmyn telling her i was on my way to her house cause i am staying with her for the night. i am most def not staying in this house with any of them.

Ohhh i didnt even introduce myself. how rude. anyway i am Ma'liyah Blackwell. i am from new York city, Spanish Harlem born and rasied. i recently moved to Chicago Illinois for more personal reason none the less. umm im 21 years old on the way to be 22 , im a senior in college on my last two months then im gonna be on my way back to new york. theres really not much else to say so byeeee.

once i got outside i went to my car unlocked the doors and put my bags in the backseat. the type of car i have is a audi r8 2018 . once i was settled i sent a text to jazmyn saying i was going to chick fil a first and did she want anything. she said just to get a milkshake. once i got there i spent like ten minuets to figure out if i wanted to go in or the drive thru. i finally got out and went in. when i got in there it wasnt that many people so it was quiet, i went to the counter figuring what i wanted, while i was doing that the cashier lady was staring me down but i just ignored her, once i got our food i was on my way to dollar tree to get us some snacks. i only brought thrity dollars out because im not trying to spend all my money. i got in the store all called jazmyn.

" im in dollar tree now, what am i getting?" i asked looking at her

"just get candy and jucies i got everything else" she said looking up at me

"okay are you sure thats it cause im not coming back outside after this?" i said looking at her serious

" yea im sure now hurry up and come daddy waiting for you" she said smirking devilsh

"whatever bye hoe" i said laughing and hanging up the phone

2 hours later

2 hours later

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