chapter 10

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kyan pov

2 weeks later

it's been 2 weeks since i last saw or heard from liayah and i'm not gonna lie i miss her ass sooo much like i just been lonely , i been staying in the house all day sleeping i barely eat anything and i haven't been to any of my traps . i feel like a high school teenager going through a breakup . i then realized i can't keep sulking around i need to get my self together. so i got out my bed and headed to my bathroom and turned on the shower and looked in the mirror and shook my head. i looked bad i then brushed my teeth and washed my face . i then undressed and got in the shower . i was in the shower for 45 minutes then got out i put a towel around my waist then walked into my room i put on some eithicas and went to my closets for an outfit and i settled on an grey sweatsuit

i put my chains on and sprayed myself with liayah favorite cologne and grabbed my phone and wallet and car keys and headed downstairs and to my front door , as i was opening it jazmyn and jabari was standing there looking shocked

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i put my chains on and sprayed myself with liayah favorite cologne and grabbed my phone and wallet and car keys and headed downstairs and to my front door , as i was opening it jazmyn and jabari was standing there looking shocked.

" oh he's alive " jazmyn said as i gave her a stale face as jabari chuckled and i mugged him

" man what y'all doing here" i asked letting them in as we went to the living room and sat down

" well we was coming to get to yo ass out this house but it seem like you already decided to get up" jabari said as i nodded

" well i'm up now and i'm bout to go to the mall so y'all wanna come with me cause i hate to shop alone anyway " i said as they nodded and we all got up and headed to the door but i stopped and turned to jazmyn

" have you heard from liayah?" i asked looking at her as she shook her head

" not since last week, she said she found a place   to open her shop so she has been really busy" she said as i nodded

" ouuuuu someone in loveeeee" jabari said making me shake my head

" no i'm not , i'm just worried, i haven't talked to her since-"

" since you disrespected her and she left you " jazmyn said eyeing me rolling her eyes as i sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose

" i didn't mean to be so rude , i just got so caught up that she was gonna see what i had in the bag" i said looking at them

" well you know how she feels about being disrespected and rude so you just fucked that up . did you at least apologize?" she asked as we walked out side to my car and i nodded

" yea but not the right way how i should've " i said starting the car as she shrugged her shoulders

" ion know when you gonna get the chance to apologize to her " she said as she got on her phone and i shook my head.

i fucked up  i fucked up bad

i shook my head and pulled onto the highway. i was thinking the whole way to the mall about how i could make it up to her then i realized her birthday would be perfect.

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